Study on subcretin in 8 minorities of Yunnan province
收稿日期:2001-12-18  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 亚克汀病  少数民族集中居住地  智商  精神运动障碍
英文关键词: Subcretin  Ghettos  I ntelligence quotient  Psy chomotor disorders
王珊珊 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
陆林 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
王希荣 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
宁岚 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
白斌 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
蒋笃强 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
汪梅 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
安广武 云南省卫生防疫站地方病防治科, 昆明 650022 
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      目的: 调查云南省8个少数民族聚居地亚克汀病的患病率, 研究其流行规律、特点, 为今后的防治工作提供科学依据。方法: 用《中国联合型瑞文测验(CRT C2)》测定智商; 用《津医精神运动成套测验(JPB)》进行精神运动测验。结果: 调查8~12岁少数民族儿童4222名, 平均智商(IQ)91±19, 其中IQ55~69者277人, 查出精神运动障碍119例 ; 儿童甲状腺B超平均肿大率为5.4%, 尿碘中位数466.9μgL, 盐碘合格率为94.9%。结论: 4222名少数民族儿童中, 轻度智力落后兼有精神运动障碍者119例, 由此估算亚克汀病患病率为2.8%。
      Objective: To estimate the prevalence of subcretins in 8 minorities of Yunnan province and to privide scientific basis for public health policy-making, as well as for prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders. Methods: Four thousand two hundred and twenty-two minority school children aged 8-12 years selected from 29 schools in 8 minority counties were measured by Combined Raven's Test in China (CRT-C2) and Jinyi Psychomotor test Battery (JPB). Results: Average of intelligence quotient (IQ) on 4222 children was 91±19. Among 277 pupils with IQ between 55-69, 119 of them showed abnormal on JPB test and 5.4% of the children was found to have Goiter under ultrasonography. Median level of urinary iodine was 466.9μgL, and the qualified rate of iodized salt was 94.9%. Conclusion: The estimated prevalence rate of subcre tin was 2.8 %.
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