Surveillance on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Jiangsu province from 1996 to 2000
收稿日期:2001-12-24  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 出血热,流行性  监测  带病毒鼠指数  感染率
英文关键词: Hemorrhagic fever  epidemic  Surveillance  Index of rats with virus  Infection rate
祖荣强 江苏省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病防制科, 南京 210009 
吴扬生 江苏省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病防制科, 南京 210009 
朱凤才 江苏省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病防制科, 南京 210009 
刘光中 江苏省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病防制科, 南京 210009 
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      目的 分析江苏省1996~2000年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)疫情及宿主动物、一般人群等监测资料,探讨HFRS流行因素。方法收集HFRS疫情资料,描述其流行病学特征;在江苏省设立固定监测点,按统一方案调查鼠密度、鼠带病毒率、带病毒鼠指数及一般人群抗体阳性率。结果1996~2000年HFRS疫情稳步下降,2000年发病率较1996年降低了42.17%,秋冬峰与春峰构成之比减小。春季优势鼠种为褐家鼠(密度3.07%),秋季优势鼠种为黑线姬鼠(密度4.64%);混合鼠密度及优势鼠种密度均呈下降趋势。褐家鼠、黑线姬鼠、小家鼠带病毒率均较高。春季以褐家鼠及小家鼠带病毒鼠指数为高(分别为0.0255、0.0284),秋季以黑线姬鼠带病毒鼠指数较高(0.0302)。5年内一般人群平均抗体阳性率为4.73%。结论江苏省5年内HFRS疫情大幅度下降,但流行因素仍广泛存在。
      Objective To analyze the incidence rate, animal hosts, and human inapparent infection rate from surveillance data collected in Jiangsu province from 1996 to 2000 and the risk factors of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Methods Data on the incidence rate was collected from the whole province to describe the epidemiologic characteristics of HFRS. Data on the density of rats, proportion of rats with virus, index of rats with virus and the human inapparent infection rate were collected in special areas according to the standardised protocol in the project. Results The incidence rate of HFRS reduced continuously in Jiangsu province, with a 42.17% reduction from 1996 to 2000. The ratio between the incidence rate of autumn winter peak and spring peak had also reduced. The main host in spring was Rattus norvegicus (with a density of 3.07%), while that in autumn was Apodemus agrarius (with a density of 4.64%). The density of main hosts and mixed species of rats had all reduced during the five years of observation. The proportions of Rattus norvegicus, Apodemus agrarius, Mus musculus with virus were relatively high in spring and autumn. The index of Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus with virus in spring were 0.0255 and 0.0284 respectively,while that of Apodemus agrarius with virus in autumn was 0.0302. The average human inapparent infection rate was 4.73% in the five years. Conclusion The incidence rate of HFRS in Jiangsu reduced significantly from 1996 to 2000, but the risk factors still widely existed. Suggesting that the surveillance progam needs to be carried out steadily in Jiangsu.
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