A cross-sectional study on suicide attempts in urban middle school students in Chengdu
收稿日期:2002-09-24  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 青春期  自杀  企图
英文关键词: Adolecents  Suicide  Attempted
张志群 四川大学华西医院心理卫生中心 610041成都 
郭兰婷 四川大学华西医院心理卫生中心 610041成都 
摘要点击次数: 3348
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      Objective To study the prevalence and associated factors of suicide attempt in middle school students. Methods Five middle schools in Chengdu were randomly sampled in the study. A total of 1 393 students between the ages of 11 and 18 finished a self-administered questionnare, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List (ASLEC) and Egma Minnen av Bardodosnauppforstran (EMBU). Everyone who had suicide attempts was interviewed. Data were analysed by SPSS 8.0 (statistical package for the social science) program on computer. Results Thirty-six ( 2.6%)of the 1 393 students has the history of attempted suicide and the ratio of boys and girls was 1∶2. Among the suicide attempters, 33.3% had recurrent events. The most common reason of suicide attempts in middle school stage was family conflicts ( 34.4%) with most common event as taking overdose tranquilizers or poisoning ( 50.0%). Risk factors of suicide attempt seemed to include hallucination, cigarette smoking, being bullied by peers, wanting to change sex, parents' remarriage, being female, father's refusal, being neglected in childhood and experencing more events in the previous year. Protecting factor was found to have been family warmness. Conclusion Suicide attempts were not uncommonly seen in middle school students. Clinicians and teaching staff should identify the risk factors and carry out intervention as early as possible.
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