The application of Weibull parameter model to survival analysis of glioma
收稿日期:2001-11-20  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 神经胶质瘤  生存分析  Weibull全参数模型  预测值
英文关键词: Glioma  Survival analysis  Weibull regression model  Predictive value
贾红英 山东大学第二医院教学部 250033 济南 
王洁贞 山东大学公共卫生学院 
赵敬杰 山东大学第二医院教学部 250033 济南 
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      Objective To investigate the factors affecting the survival and to predict the survival time of glioma. Methods Graph method was applied to fit the type of probability distribution of patients' postoperative survival time. As one suitable model,Weibull regression model tested by residual analysis was used to identify prognostic factors for postoperative survival and to prognose patients' post-operative survival time. Results In multivariate analysis of Weibull regression model, following characteristics showed significant influence on postoperative survival time including: sex, age, epilepsy, type of glioma, density of glioma, type of surgery, times of surgery and mode of postoperative therapy.According to predictive value,patients were clustered into three groups. The survival probability of one year for the first group was less than 50% and that of five years for the second group about 50%,for the third group around 80%. Conclusion Sex, age, epilepsy, type of glioma, density of glioma, type of surgery, times of surgery and mode of postoperative therapy were important risk factors and Weibull regression model might help to prognose patients' postoperative survival time.
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