Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampin-resistant strains by gene-chips
收稿日期:2002-10-20  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 结核杆菌  耐药  基因芯片
英文关键词: Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Drug-resistance  Gene-chip
基金项目:广西科技厅资助项目 (桂科攻023502427)
何敏 南宁市第四人民医院 530021南宁 
曾尔良 广西医科大学医学科学实验中心 
郑艳燕 上海博星基因芯片有限公司 
汤卓 广西医科大学公共卫生学院 
卢祥婵 广西医科大学公共卫生学院 
孙碧辉 广西医科大学公共卫生学院 
许丁空 广西医科大学公共卫生学院 
张志勇 上海博星基因芯片有限公司 
杨莉 上海博星基因芯片有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 3378
全文下载次数: 1167
      Objective To evaluate the gene-chip detecting rifaman-resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis applied in TB diagnosis and drug resistant dectection.Methods Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifaman-resistant strains among 35 rifaman-resistance isolated strains and 102 sputa specimens from TB patients,27 sputa specimens from other patients were examined the gene-chips.Results obtained werecompared with sputum examination,bacteriological culture and standard drug susceptibility test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Results Thirty-five rifaman-resistance strains were detected by gene-chips and 33 were identified as rifaman-resistance strains and the concordance with the traditional drug susceptibility test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was 94.29%.Twenty-seven sputa specimens from other patients were examined Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the gene-chips,2 were positive,the detection specialty was 92.59%.Using three methods detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis among 102 sputa specimens the positive rate respectively was,sputum examination 35.29% (36/ 102),bacteriologicalculture 28.43%(29/102),gene-chip 77.45%(79/ 102).Among 102 sputa specimens only 29 examined Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the traditional drug susceptibility test and 8 were rifaman-resistant strains.While using gene-chip,there were 20 among 102 sputa specimens identified as rifaman-resistance strains.Among total 55 rifaman-resistance strains detected by the gene-chips,the most frequent mutations were those associated with codon 531 (23 of 55;41.8%),526(15 of 55;27.27%)and 516(9 of 55;16.36%).Conclusion Results showed that this was a rapid,simple and highly specific method when using gene-chip to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifaman-resistant strains.
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