Sequences analysis of cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅰ gene in Aedes albopictus from different geographic strains in China
收稿日期:2002-08-20  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 白纹伊蚊  登革病毒  地理株  细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因
英文关键词: Aedes albopictus  Dengue virus  Geographic strain  Cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅰ gene
陈虹 武警部队总医院, 北京 100039 
陈汉彬 贵阳医学院生物教研室 
摘要点击次数: 3604
全文下载次数: 1474
      Objective To compare the sequences of cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅰ gene (COⅠ) in Aedes albopictus from different geographic strains in China and to discuss the differences in susceptibility among different geographic strains to dengue virus (DV).Methods COⅠwas amplified with polymerase chain reaction method and sequenced from its genomic DNA. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed with Neighbor-Joining method.Results Sequence length of COⅠfragment in each geographic strains was 415 bp. The rates of shift and reverse of base pairs in Simao strain were 1.93% and 0.24% respectively. The rate of shift in Mawei and Nanning strains was 0.48%. The analyses of phylogenetic of COⅠsequences showed that there was close relationship between Simao strain in Yunnan and Mawei strain in Guizhou and between Mawei strain and Nanning strain in Guangxi.Conclusions The susceptibility was widely related to many factors including genetic and environmental ones. COⅠin Aedes albopictus from different geographic strains in China belonged to the same gene type. There were no direct correlations between COⅠgene type in different geographic strains and susceptibility to DV.
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