Cigarette smoking and Parkinson' s disease: a population based case-control study
收稿日期:2003-02-10  出版日期:2014-10-08
中文关键词: 帕金森病  吸烟  危险因素  剂量反应关系
英文关键词: Parkinson's disease  Cigarette smoking  Risk factors  Dose-response relationship
董建群 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所中国协和医科大学基础医学院 100005 北京 
张清华 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所中国协和医科大学基础医学院 100005 北京 
蒋知新 解放军第三○五医院 
衣志勇 解放军第三○五医院 
喻陆 解放军第三○五医院 
李祯华 解放军第三○五医院 
张艳琴 解放军第三○五医院 
方明俊 解放军第三○五医院 
张振馨 解放军总参谋部警卫局保健处 
张孔来 中国协和医科大学北京协和医院神经科 
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      目的 探讨吸烟与帕金森病(PD)的关系.方法 采用以人群为基础的病例对照研究,调查在北京地区55岁以上PD患病率调查中确诊及2002年8月至200 3年1月在北京协和医院帕金森研究中心诊治的病例共114例;以及性别、民族及居住地与其匹配的对照205名.结果 吸烟与PD呈显著负相关联.以非吸烟者为对照,曾经吸烟者、现在吸烟者和过去吸烟者患PD的危险性低于对照,OR值分别为0.49(95 %CI:0.30~0.79)、0.44(95 %CI :0.23~0.86)和0.54(95 %CI:0.30~0.96).此外,对吸烟者分别按吸烟年限≥20年和 <20年、戒烟年限≥20年和<;20年以及吸烟量分层和logistic回归分析,其负相关联依然存在并具有剂量反应关系的趋势(P<0.05).结论 吸烟与PD存在负相关联,今后应着重开展有关生物学依据的研究
      Objective To explore the association with cigarette smoking for Parkinson's disease (PD).Methods One hundred and fou-rteen PD cases and 205 controls matched on gender and race were recruited from ongoing PD prevalence survey and identified at the ne-urological clinic of Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Face to face questionnaire interview was carried out and data on smok-ing and alcohol consumption were analyzed in a population-based case control study.Results With never-smokers as the reference cate-gory we observed reduced risk for PD among ever smokers(OR=0. 49 } 95%CI: 0.30-0.79)current smokers(OR=0.44, 95% CI:0.23一0.86)and ex-smokers(OR=0.54 95%CI:0.30-0. 96).When comparing with non-smokers the ever smokers stratified by years of smoking had an inverse association with those whose smoking history longer than 20 years(OR=0.35,95%CI :0.18 -0.70) and an mild protective association with those who smoked less than 20 years(OR=0.61,95%CI:0.35-1.07.Those who had quitted smoking for more than 20 years were less likely to have the disease than never smokers and those who had quitted for less than 20 years were least likely to have PD.Those current smokers were still least likely to have the disease. Significant inverse gradient with pack-day smoker (trend P< 0.O5),and the inverse association for cigarette smoking and PD were found not bing confo-unded by a-lcohol consumption.Conclusion The inverse association between PD and cigarettesmoking and history of cessation was found. Fur-ther studies need to provide biochemical evidence on therelation between smoking and its protective effect on PD.
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