Distribution of cerebral vascular hemodynamic indexes
收稿日期:2002-03-06  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 脑卒中  血液动力学  现况调查
英文关键词: Stroke  Hemodynamics  Cross-sectional study
王桂清 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
王艳 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
曹奕丰 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
郭佐 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
沈凤英 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
杨永举 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
樊舜英 中国矿业大学校医院 
徐晓斌 吉林省延吉电业局医院 
冯春红 上海市脑血管病防治研究所, 200433 
田文生 唐山地区中风防治中心 
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      Objective To describe the distribution of cerebral vascular hemodynamic indexes ( CVHI). Methods A number of 25 355 age 35 and over were selected in the NortheasTchina by cluster sampling. CVHI were checked during baseline survey and were followed to see the occurrence of stroke. Distribution of CVHI among non-stroke population, individuals prior to the onseTof stroke and patients with stroke were described.Results The CVHI accumulative score, Vmean, Vmax and Vmin were dramatically decreasing, buTRV, Zcv, Wvand DR were significantly increasing as age increased.Vmax, Rvand CP were significantly higher in males buTWV waslower than thaTof females.The CVHI accumulative score, Vminand RV were 95. 0, 10. 23 and 75. 8 in non-stroke population, 51. 25, 6. 71 and 122. 72 pre stroke group, and 55. 0, 6. 78 and 115. 89 in patients with stroke respectively.There were significanTdifferences among three groups after controlling of age and sex(P<0. 01).Conclusion Variance of CVHI wasclosely related to age, and there appeared a significanTabnormal of CVHI before and after stroke.
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