Epidemiological features of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Beij ing
收稿日期:2003-09-18  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 严重急性呼吸综合征  流行病学  发病率
英文关键词: Severe acute respiratory syndrome  Epidemiology  Incidence rate
粱万年 100053 北京市卫生局 
米杰 北京首都儿科研究所流行病学研究室 
摘要点击次数: 3101
全文下载次数: 2011
      目的 分析北京市严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)流行病学特征。方法 对北京市疾病预防控制中心 2003年SARS疫情数据库进行分析。结果 北京市SARS流行过程分五个阶段,各阶段发病构成如下 :输入扩散期 (3月1~ 31日 )为 2.7% ;上升期 (4月1~ 15日 )为 13.6 % ;高峰期 (4月16日至5月4日 )为 71.0 % ;下降期 (5月5~ 18日 )为 11.6 % ;终止期 (5月19~2 8日 )为 1.1%。北京市SARS临床诊断病例 2521例,发病率为 18.5 7/10万,死亡 192例,死亡率和病死率分别为 1.4 1/10万和 7.6 %。男女发病比例为 1∶0.97,2 0~ 29岁组发病率最高 (30.85 /10万 ),0~ 14岁组最低 (2.5 4 /10万 ),患者以青壮年为主,占 72.3%。城区、近郊区和远郊区 (县 )发病率分别为 32.2 5 /10万、20.5 7/10万和 8.90 /10万,呈现随人口密度下降发病逐渐下降的趋势。不同职业中,医务人员 (17.3% )、干部职员 (12.9% )、离退休人员 (11.4 % )、工人 (9.7% )和家务待业人员 (8.8% )居发病构成前五位。病死率随年龄显著升高。结论 北京市是全球SARS流行强度最高的地区,但是病死率最低。
      Objective To describe the epidemiologic features of severe acute respira tory sy ndrome(SARS)in Beijing.Method Database of the 2 521 probable cases of SARS in Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control was used.Results The course of SARS epidemic in Beijing could be divided intofive phases :impo rt and spreading-from 1 to 31 in March, rising-from April 1 to April 15, peak-from April16 to May 4, declining-from 5 to 18 in May, terminating-from 19 to 28 in May.The propo rtions of portable cases of SARS in each phase were 2.7 %, 13.6%, 71.0%, 11.6 % and 1.1%, respectively.Totally, 2 521 portable cases were diagnosed and v erified acco rding to the diag nostic criteria of SARS issued by the Ministry of Health.Among them, 192 died from SARS.The incidence and mortality rates of SARS were 18.57 per 100 000 and 1.41 per 100 000 with the fatality of 7.6 %.The ratio of male to female with SARS was 1∶0.97.The hig hest incidence rate of SARS was in the group of 20-29 years (30.85 per100 000), and the low est was in the g roup of 0-14 years (2.54 per 100 000).People aged 20- 49 accounted fo r 72.3% of all SARS cases.The incidence rates in urban, suburb and far-suburb were 32.25/100 000, 20.57/ 100 000 and 8.90/ 100 000, respectively, decreasing acco rding to the populatio n density.Health care providers (17.3%), staff (12.9%), retirees (11.4 %), workers (9.7%) and house-holdunemploy ees (8.8%)appeared to be at the five top risk populations being infected.The fatality increased significantly with age.Conclusion Beijing was the most severe epidemic region of SARS in the world, but the fatality was the lowest.
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