A new type of spotted fever group Rickttsiaes detected in the area of Changbai mountain, Jilin province
收稿日期:2002-10-21  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词:   斑点热立克次体  序列分析
英文关键词: Ticks  Spotted fever group Rickttsiaes  Sequence analy sis
郝永建 100071 北京, 第二炮兵防护防疫队 
曹务春 军事医学科学院微生物流行病学研究所 
高淑萍 100071 北京, 第二炮兵防护防疫队 
张泮河 军事医学科学院微生物流行病学研究所 
赵秋敏 军事医学科学院微生物流行病学研究所 
杨红 军事医学科学院微生物流行病学研究所 
张习坦 军事医学科学院微生物流行病学研究所 
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      目的 了解吉林省长白山区蜱传斑点热的自然疫源地情况。方法 利用立氏立克次体[相对分子质量 (Mr) 190× 10 3 ]外膜蛋白A(R.rOmpA)基因序列设计引物,对 6 83只蜱类标本进行聚合酶链反应 (PCR)检测,并随机抽取一株森林革蜱阳性扩增产物进行克隆与序列测定。结果 从森林革蜱和嗜群血蜱标本中检测出了斑点热立克次体DNA片段,阳性率分别为 53.81%和 7.41% ;所测序列与前苏联的DnS 14株的同源性为 100.00 %,与DnS 2 8和RpA 4的同源性均为99.00 % ;而与国内所检测的BJ 90、HLJ 054的同源性分别为 88.00 %和 86.00 %。结论 长白山区存在斑点热的自然疫源地,存在与DnS 14株型别一致的斑点热立克次体,在中国系首次发现。
      Objective In order to find out the cur rent situa tio n of tick-borne spotted fever in the area of Changbai mountain, Jilin province Methods I n this study, a polymerase chain reactio n(PCR) method was dev elo ped with primers R.rOmpA 190.70p and R.rOmpA 190.701n designed on the basis of rOmpA gene, w hich is specific fo r ex amining spo tted fev er g roup Rickttsiaes (SFGR).Six hundred nig htythree ticks were tested and a positive PCR pro duct amplified from D.silv arum specimen (named JL-02) was cloned and sequenced.Results The SFGR DNA was detected from D.silvarum, Haemaphysalis concinna with the positive rates were 53.81% and 7.41 % respectively.Its nucleotide sequence of 587 bp rOmpA and deriv ed amino-acids show ed 100.00% similarity with nucleo tide sequence of DnS 14 and99.00 % with DnS 28 from the Former Soviet Union according to the result of BLUST and CLUSTAL, which w as differential from the DNA sequences of strains previously detected in China.Conclusion The natural focus of tick-borne spotted fever did exist in the area of Changbai mountain.The DNA sequence of SFGR was similar to that of DnS 14, which was first reported in China.
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