Frequency of transfusion transmitted virus in healthy infants in Jiujiang city Jiangaei province
收稿日期:2002-11-25  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 输血传播病毒  聚合酶链反应  流行病学  分子
英文关键词: Transfusion transmitted virus  Polymerise chain reaction  Epidemiology  molecular
彭宜红 北京大学医学部病原生物学系, 北京, 100083 
曹继红 江西省九江市传染病院 
王清 九江市妇幼保健院 
胡烈谱 九江市妇幼保健院 
赵学森 北京大学医学部病原生物学系, 北京, 100083 
彭进 九江市妇幼保健院 
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      目的 了解九江市健康婴儿血清中输血传播病毒(TTV)感染状况及传播途径。方法用改良非编码区聚合酶链反应(UTR PCR)和N22 PCR法,分别检测婴儿和献血员血清中TTVDNA。结果 用改良UTR PCR检测86例婴儿中51例(53.5%;)TTV DNA为阳性,59例献血员中TTV DNA全部阳性。而N22 PCR在这两类人群中阳性检出例数分别为14例(16.3%;)和22例(37.3%;)。在<;30天龄、1~;6月龄和7~;12月龄婴儿中,TTV DNA检出率分别为0、33.3%;、95.0%;(UTR PCR)和O、7.4%;、30.0%;(N22 PCR)。结论 用UTR PCR检测表明,九江市95%;的半岁以上婴儿及100%;成人都感染有TTV,而用N22 PCR在相同人群中检测的结果明显偏低,两种方法的检出率差异有显著性;婴儿中TTV的原发感染可能是出生后从环境中获得,并且随其年龄增长感染逐渐增多,半岁后可接近同一地区健康成人的感染水平。
      Objective Transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) DNA was detected in serum samples obtained from healthy infants and volunteer blood donors living in Jiujiang city in an attempt to shed light on the prevalence of TTV infection and the transmission route of TTV infection in infants.Methods Modified untranslated region, polymerise chain reaction (UTR PCR) and N22 PCR were performed to test TTV DNA in serum samples from 86 infants and 58 blood donors.Results TTV DNA was detected by UTR PCR in 51 (53.5%)infants and 58(100%)in blood donors, while that tested by N22 PCR was 14 (16.3%)and 22(37.3%)in infants and blood donors, respectively, Among infants younger than 30 days.1-6 months and 7-12 months of agE,TTV DNA was detected by UTR PCR and N22 PCR at rates of 0,33.3%,95.0% and 0,7.4%,30.0%,respectively.Conclusion The prevalence rates of TTV DNA detected by UTR PCR were 95% in infants of 7-12 months after birth and 100% in healthy blood donors in Jiujiang city.However the results obtained by N22 PCR were much less frequently in the same population.Results showed that significant difference did exist in the prevalence of TTV DNA detected by the two different PCR systems.Age-dependent increase of TTV infection was observed in early childhood,while environmental sources were considered to be the most common route of TTV acquisition as the primary infection in infants.However, the prevalence of TTV in infants of 7-12 months was similar to that in healthy arlnlts in the same region.
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