Study on the authenticity of parents' memory on their children's immunization status
收稿日期:2003-04-17  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 免疫  接种率  回忆  真实性
英文关键词: Immunization  Inoculation rate  Memory  Authenticity
郭万申 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
张延炀 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
康锴 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
刁琳琪 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
丰达兴 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
赵升 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫预防与规划所 
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      目的<\b> 评估不同文化程度、不同居住环境的不同家长对儿童免疫接种状况回忆的真实程度。方法<\b> 采用横断面调查方法<\b>,在河南省18个市各随机选择2个县、1个区,分别调查分析1~2岁的常驻儿童和流动儿童家长免疫回忆的真实性。结果<\b> 全省儿童基础免疫四苗全程接种率为89.7%,其中流动儿童为77.9%。儿童家长回忆孩子接种过疫苗的真实性高达96%以上;接种过疫苗的儿童,其家长能明确回忆其接种过该疫苗的比例不超过50%;家长文化程度为中学及以上的免疫回忆真实性高于文盲及小学者;儿童母亲的免疫回忆真实性高于父亲;在家长免疫回忆为不详的儿童中,有高达97%以上的儿童均接种过相关疫苗。结论<\b> 儿童家长对已接种过疫苗的肯定回答具有很高的可信性;文化程度较高的儿童母亲,对儿童的免疫回忆具有更高的可信性;免疫史回忆不详的儿童不能作为未免疫者。
      Objective<\b> To evaluate the authenticity of the parents' memory on their children's immunization status. Methods<\b> Two counties and 1 district in each of the 18 prefectures were selected, and parents of the children 1--2 years old, residents in counties or floating in district, were studied on the authenticity of their memory regarding their children's immunization status. Results<\b> The rates of inoculation with all the four expanded programme on immunization (EPI) vaccines were 89. 7% in the whole province, and 77. 9% among floating children. The authenticity of the reply from parents on their childrens, inoculation status with vaccines was above 96%. However, less than 50% of the parents could remember what specific vaccines that their children had reccived. The authenticity of parents' memory was higher in the parents with high school or college education than those who were illiterates or only having had elementary school education. Mothers had better memory than the fathers. Of the children whose parents could not remember the vaccination status, 97% of them had been inoculated. Conclusion<\b> The definite answer of parents to children's immunization status had high creditability, especially when the mothers having had more schooling. Those children whose parents failed to remember whether vaccination had been received should not be ranked as unimmuned.
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