Cost-effective analysis of preventive treatment on diabetes
收稿日期:2003-07-21  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 糖尿病  费用效益分析  糖耐量异常  二甲双胍  阿卡波糖
英文关键词: Diabetes  Cost-effectiveness analysis  Impaired glucose tolerance  Metformin  Acarbose
胡予 复旦大学中山医院循证医学中心, 上海 200032 
陈世耀 复旦大学中山医院循证医学中心, 上海 200032 
王吉耀 复旦大学中山医院循证医学中心, 上海 200032 
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      目的: 了解患者在糖耐量异常阶段进行药物治疗预防糖尿病的经济学意义。方法: 以国际公认的两项大型临床研究DPP和STOP-NIDDM为基础, 计算每预防1例糖尿病发生所需要的费用, 与现有的糖尿病治疗费用相比较。结果: 如果以合资二甲双胍治疗, 在3年中预防1例糖尿病发生的费用为69122.95元; 以阿卡波糖治疗, 3.3年中预防1例糖尿病发生的费用为154116.05元; 以国产二甲双胍进行治疗, 3年预防1例糖尿病发生的费用为21666.63元。现有状况下上海市糖尿病患者的年均治疗费用为9143.70元。结论: 对糖耐量异常患者进行药物预防治疗, 总体医疗费用较大。药物费用在治疗的总体费用中所占比例较大。选用经济、有效的药物是节省费用的关键。深入的临床研究尤其是预防糖尿病及其并发症作用将进一步揭示糖尿病预防治疗的经济学意义。
      Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of preventive treatment on diabets, using metformin or acarbose among patients with impaired glucose tolerance. Methods: Using data from diabetes prevention program (DPP) and STOP-NIDDM study, we evaluated the cost of preventing one new oneset of diabetes in Shanghai, and to compare its cost with the current treatment cost. Results: If metformin was used for preventive treatment as in DPP study, a total cost of 69122.95 RMB was needed for preventing one new onset of diabetes in three years period. If acarbose was used for preventive treatment as in STOP-NIDDM, then 154116.05 RMB was the cost to prevent one diabetes in 3.3 years of treatment. However, if the gegeric metformin was used, the total cost was only 21666.63 RMB for the 3-years treament. Data showed that the average cost for treating diabetes per year was 9143.70 RMB in Shanghai. Conclusion: The total cost of drugs took the biggest part of the total cost. To choose the cheap but effective drug for treatment might save a large part of the cost. Further clinical reserch concerning the prevention of complication might provide us with more information on the cost-effectiveness of preventive treatment on diabetes.
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