The detection of nanobacteria infection in serum of healthy Chinese people
收稿日期:2003-06-19  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 纳米细菌  酶联免疫吸附试验  免疫组化染色
英文关键词: Nanobacteria  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay  Immunohistochemistry
王学军 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011
天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院腹部肿瘤科 300060 
刘威 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011 
杨竹林 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011 
魏红 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011 
文宇 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011 
李永国 中南大学湘雅第二医院肝胆研究室 长沙410011 
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      目的 检测部分健康成年人群血清中纳米细菌感染状况。方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和免疫组化染色方法,检测336例健康成年人群血清中纳米细菌抗原。结果 部分健康成年人群血清纳米细菌感染率为8.0%,用ELISA法检测为8.0%,免疫组化法为5.7%。两方法间比较无差异。男女间感染率差异无显著性。年龄≤30岁组较≥60岁组感染率低(P<0.05)。年龄、性别并未增加纳米细菌感染的危险。结论 部分健康人群血清存在纳米细菌感染。
      Objective Nanobacteria,a new kind of bacteria found by a Finnish scholar,is considered to relate to many human diseases like nephrolithiasis.However,there are no data available on nanobacteria infection in Chinese people.Methode Nanobacteria was detected in serum of 336 cases of healthy adults in Southem China by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry stain. The monoclonal anitbody of nanobacterum was supplied by Kuipio University of Finland.Results Nanobacteria infection rates wee 27(8.0%),19(5.7%) in the healthy adults by ELISA and immunohistochemistry stain respectively.No difference was shown between the 2 methods and betwee male and female,statistically. Age and sex did no seem to be related to the infectious risk of nanobacteria. However,the infectious rate was lower in those below 30-year-old than that of people over 60-year-old(P0.05).Conclusion Nanobacteria was existed in the serum of Chinese healthy people with an infectious rate of 8.0%.
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