Study on the re-emerging situation of schistosomiasis epidemics in areas already under control and interruption
收稿日期:2004-03-29  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 血吸虫病  传播控制  传播阻断  疫情
英文关键词: Schistosomiasis  Transmission controlled  Transmission interrupted  Epidemic situation
王汝波 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 上海 200025 
汪天平 安徽省寄生虫病防治研究所 
王立英 卫生部疾病控制司 
郭家钢 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 上海 200025 
余晴 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 上海 200025 
许静 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 上海 200025 
高风华 安徽省寄生虫病防治研究所 
尹治成 四川省寄生虫病防治研究所 
周晓农 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 上海 200025 
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      目的 分析中国血吸虫病传播控制和阻断地区部分区域疫情回升的原因.方法 收集1999~2003年全国血吸虫病疫情统计资料和部分疫情回升县的基本情况,采用回顾性研究方法,对资料进行相关分析.结果 16个血吸虫病传播阻断县、21个血吸虫病传播控制县疫情回升,分别占全国传播阻断县、传播控制县数的6.15%、33.33%,另有1个传播阻断农场疫情回升.6个县(农场)仅出现螺情回升,32个县病情、螺情均出现了回升.1999~2003年现有病例数、急性血吸虫病例数.钉螺面积、病牛数等指标呈上升趋势.结论 受洪涝灾害、水系灌溉、投入下降、思想麻痹等自然、社会和生态因素影响,达标地区疫情出现反复,应加强对传染源和钉螺扩散源头的管理和监测工作,尤其是传播控制地区.
      Objective to study the current situation and the cause of schistosomiasis resurgence in order to provide reference for form ulation of control strategy.Methods Data in 1999-2003 and baseline data in some areas were collected and analyzed retrosDectivelv.Results Resurgence was seen in 6.15%(16/260)of the areas and one farin where transmission of schistosomiasis had been interrupted and 33.33%(21/64)of the areas already under contro1.Snails appeared to have been rebounded only in six counties(farin)while in thirty two counties that rebound was seen in both snails and disease prevalence.Tendency of increase in the total numbers of patients.acute patients and cattle with schistosomiasis.areas with snails were seen from 1999 to 2003. Conclusions Environmenta1.ecological,societal factors such as flood,acequia,lack of expenditure and lack of incentives at work etc contributed to the resurgence of epidemics in those areas that criteria had been reached.Surveillance and supervision on the so urces of infection and snail diffusion,especially in the areas where the transmission of schistosom iasis had already been under control.
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