Schistosoma japonicum in the newly identified areas in Hunan province
收稿日期:2004-03-29  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 血吸虫病  钉螺  传染源  新疫区
英文关键词: Schistosomiasis  0ncomelania snail  Transmision sources  New endemic area
谢木生 湖南省血吸虫病防治所 岳阳 414000 
李以义 湖南省血吸虫病防治所 岳阳 414000 
吴昭武 湖南省血吸虫病防治所 岳阳 414000 
李岳生 湖南省血吸虫病防治所 岳阳 414000 
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      目的 分析掌握血吸虫病新流行区形成的主要因素及流行特点.方法 收集湖南省1979~2003年血吸虫病新流行区的螺情、病情以及传染源等有关疫情调查资料.结果 所有新发现血吸虫病疫区,都是先发现患者,甚至是出现了急性病例.且-旦发现新的流行区,居民感染都很高(最高村民组达87.1%).特别是新流行区多集中在城郊、城镇附近的沟港、滩地.结论 以上新流行地区成因大多是通过打湖草、捞鱼虾(鱼卵草)以及渔船民作业、运输工具将钉螺带入扩散所致,传染源为当地人群到疫区下湖作业感染,以及从疫区迁入病例和购进的家畜.
      0bjective to study the major risk factors and characteristics ofSchistosoma japnicum in the newly identified areas around the Dong Ting Lake.Methods Data was collected regarding the distribution of snails.prevalence of infection as well as the source of transmission in the newly identified areas in Hunan province from 1979 to 2003.Results In all the newly dentified sites,Schistosomiasis japonica patients appeared to be the first-seen evidence,some even under acute phase,The highest infection rate among residents had reached 87.1% in the newly identified villages.Most of the new endemic areas concentrated in the ditch and beach areas that close to cities and towns.Conclusions Evidence showed that snails had been transferred through boats and fishing nets to be disseminated.Data also revealed that the sources of transmission would include those local infected residents who had been infected in the old endemic areas and the newly imported domestic animals with infection.
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