Study on the prevalence of Bartonella species in rodent hosts from different enviromental areas in Yunnan
收稿日期:2004-06-17  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 巴尔通体  鼠形动物  感染率
英文关键词: Bartonella  Rodent hosts  Prevalence
栗冬梅 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 102206  
俞东征 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 102206  
刘起勇 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 102206 Liuqiyong@icdc.com.cn 
龚正达 云南省地方病防治所  
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      目的 了解云南省不同地区、环境和气候条件下鼠形动物巴尔通体感染状况。方法 对2003年6~7月在云南省3种不同气候类型共5个县、市不同生境中捕获的鼠形动物采集股动脉血,用含5%去纤维兔血脑心浸液琼脂培养基置于35℃含5%CO2培养箱中分离培养巴尔通体,疑似菌落用巴尔通体属特异性引物进行聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增特异基因片段,电泳图中出现目标带即判断为阳性菌株。结果 捕获鼠形动物278只,接种鼠血标本176份,共检获巴尔通体疑似菌株79份,经PCR证实69份为巴尔通体。6种被检动物中有4种动物检出巴尔通体,感染鼠分属于家鼠属、绒鼠属、小鼠属。总检动物巴尔通体分离率为39.2%;其中以黄胸鼠分离率最高为42.0%。除大理市外,剑川、祥云、云龙和云县等县捕获的鼠类标本均分离到巴尔通体,鼠类生境涉及室内、庭院、溪场灌木丛、山地灌木丛,跨越暖温带季风气候、北亚热带季风气候、南亚热带河谷少雨气候三种气候类型。结论 研究再次证实云南鼠类宿主,特别是与人类关系密切的家栖鼠类巴尔通体感染率较高;巴尔通体在多种鼠类、不同地区、不同气候环境中均有分布,呈现出对不同地理和气候环境具有广泛适应性及宿主多样性特征。
      Objective To investigate Bartonella infections in small mammalian reservoir hosts from different enviroments and types of climate in Yunnan. Methods Femoral blood samples were collected from the anesthetic captured animals from five counties including three types of climate. All isolates were grown on brain and heart infusion agar plates containing 5% defibrinated rabbit blood. The agar plates were incubated at 35℃ in a humidified with 5% CO2 enviroment for at least 4 weeks. Bartonella-like isolates were confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction and visualizing the target gene fragment by gelelectrophoresis. Results Bartonella species were isolated from 69 of 176 small animals including 4 species of 3 genera from 4 counties and the total prevalence in rodents was 39.2%. The maximal prevalence was 42.0% of Rattus tanezumi flavipectus usually inhabiting indoors and courtyard and contacting closely to human. Moreover, Bartonella isolates were obtained from Rattus noruegicus, Eothenornys miletus and Mus pahari. Life enviroments of captured animals involved indoors, courtyard, brush and forest in mountain. Conclusion The finding in this study suggested the characteristic of deversity of Bartonella infections in rodent hosts in southern China included Bartonella species parasiting in a wide range of animal hosts in different enviroments as well as climate types. Further investigations were needed in different areas in China to confirm more mammalian reservoir hosts with Bartonella infections.
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