Comprehensive evaluation on the quality of life among rural elderly population in Anhui province
收稿日期:2004-07-29  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 生活质量  老年人群  综合评价
英文关键词: Quality of life  Elderly population  Comprehensive evaluation
张秀军 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032  
孙业桓 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032 yhsun @sina. com 
苏虹 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032  
程慧 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032  
倪进发 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032  
吴系科 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系, 合肥 230032  
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      Objective To explore the feasibility of multi2dimensional and comprehensive evaluation on the quality of life among rural elderly population in Anhui province. Methods 5652 rural elderly people aged above 65 in Anhui province were selected by cluster sampling method and were studied by cross2 sectional study through a questionnaire on health information. The quality of life was evaluated by comprehensive evaluation method. Results The total score of satisfactory quality of life in the studied rural elderly people was 0. 1432 ±0. 5170 , while not satisfied was - 0. 2521 ±0. 6081 , with significant difference between the two groups ( F = 666. 221 , P < 0. 0001) . There was positive correlation between subjective satisfaction and total score of quality of life , with rs = 0. 345 ( P < 0. 0001) . The results of logistic regression analysis between comprehensive index of quality of life and subjective satisfaction indicated that filial piety , income , sleeping condition , chronic disease , nutrition status , economic dominance in the family , amusement activities etc. were important factors influencing the quality of life. Conclusion It was feasible to evaluation on the quality of life by comprehensive evaluation method.
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