Impact on the potential epidemic of dengue fever under warming winter in Hainan province
收稿日期:2004-06-24  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 登革热  埃及伊蚊  流行潜势  气候变暖
英文关键词: Dengue fever  Aedes aegyp ti  Prevalent potentiality  Climate w arming
俞善贤 气象科学研究所, 浙江省杭州 310017 
李兆芹 气象科学研究所, 浙江省杭州 310017 
滕卫平 气象科学研究所, 浙江省杭州 310017 
蔡剑 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 浙江省杭州 310017 
摘要点击次数: 2843
全文下载次数: 1205
      Objective ?? Impact of climate warming in w inter on t he potential epidemics of dengue fever in Hainan w as assessed. Methods?? Based on historic data of mean mont hly temperature in January from 8 weather observation stations, tendency and amplitude of variation w ere analyzed. Using 21 ?? as lowest limit of temperature suitable for dengue fever transmission, impact caused by climate warming on dengue fever epidemic was estimated by means o f geography information system( GI S) , insect vector and epidemiolog ical features. Results ?? Temperatur e in w inter in Hainan prov ince had shown an obvious increase. The maximum amplitude o f increase appeared in Dongfang w hich w as 1. 4 ?? and the minimum 0. 5 ?? in Shanhudao, but t he increase amplitude in the other stat ions was varied from 0. 7 to 1. 3?? . By the year of 2050, 21?? contour w ill have mov ed 190 km or so northward, near ly spanned 6/ 7 of distance fr om south to north in Hainan province and under the condition of daily fraction surv iving o f Aedes aegyp ti as P= 0. 89, Qiong hai city w hich stands north in Hainan prov ince will probably have become epidemic area of dengue fev er all year round. Conclusion?? Climate warming in w inter will probably make half or mor e of the areas in Hainan pr ovince with temperature that permitting transmission of dengue fever by 2050. Monitor ing and prev ention of dengue fever in winter should be emphasized.
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