Association between G894T mutation in endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene and premature coronary heart disease
收稿日期:2004-04-26  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 冠心病  一氧化氮合成酶,内皮型  基因
英文关键词: Cor onary heart disease  Nitr ic ox ide sy nthase, endo thelial  Gene
贾崇奇 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学研究所, 济南 250012 
宁艳 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学研究所, 济南 250012 
刘同涛 山东大学齐鲁医院心内科, 济南 250012 
刘兆兰 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学研究所, 济南 250012 
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      Objective ?? To assess the association betw een G894T ( Glu298Asp) mutation in ex on 7 of t he endo thelial nitr ic ox ide sy nthase gene and premature coronar y heart disease ( P??CHD) . Methods Hospital??based case??control study w as conducted. New ly??diagnosed CHD patients were recruited as study subjects. 132 CHD patients diagnosed at/ befor e age 55 for males and 65 for females w er e assigned to P??CHD case g roup with other 172 CHD patients as the control gr oup. Polymer ase chain reaction with Ban ?? r estriction enzyme digestion w as performed to detect the G894T mutation. Results ?? G894T mutant g enotypes in P??CHD group ( TT, GT and GG fr equencies were 6. 06%, 20. 45% and 73. 48%, r espectiv ely) were significant higher than those in control group ( TT, GT and GG frequencies were 1. 74%, 11. 63% and 86. 63%, respectively ) ( P= 0. 01) . Mutant T allele frequency in P??CHD g roup w as also sig nificantly hig her than that in control gr oup ( 16. 29% v ersus 7. 56%, P = 0. 001, OR = 2. 38, 95% CI : 1. 38??4. 16) . Stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis at 0. 05 significant level w ith sex , smoking, alcohol dr inking, and overw eig ht covariates indicated that G894T mutation also hav ing significant effect on P??CHD ( P= 0. 01, OR = 2. 25, 95% CI : 1. 19?? 4. 26) . Conclusion ?? This study sug gested that G894T mutation in endothelial nitr ic ox ide sy nthase gene might serve as a major risk factor to the pathogenesis of P??CHD in this study population.
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