A Meta-analysis in multi-center random controlled clinical trials
收稿日期:2004-09-16  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 临床试验  多中心  Meta分析  中心效应
英文关键词: Multi-center random controlled clinical trials  Meta-analysis  Center effect
欧爱华 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
老膺荣 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
李晓庆 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
黄燕 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
何羿婷 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
黄培新 510120 广州,广东省中医院临床流行病学室 
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      ObjectiveTo study the center effect discrepancy in the mufti-center clinical trials. MethodsTwo groups of data collected from the mufti-center clinical trials were used. Data were processed by covariance analysis and Meta-analysis. Results In the covariance analysis,the discrepancy of the centereffect values indicated statistical significance. Through Meta-analysis on fixed effect model, the discrepancy in one heterogeneity test showed no statistical significance(P>0.05) while the inter-group discrepancy of the merged effect values drawn from analysis based on fixed effect model having statistical significance(P<0.05).In the random effect model,the discrepancy in one heterogeneity test showed statistical significance (P < 0.05) while the inter-group discrepancy of the merged effect values drawn from analysis based on random effect model having no statistical significance ( P > 0. 05 ).Conclusions Studies on mufti-center random controlled clinical trials, when statistical significance was found in the interaction discrepancy between the inter-center and the center-group relation, the merged effect values should be compared and analyzed by an appropriate statistic model based on the heterogeneous test results from the Meta-analysis However, if the result from covariance analysis and the one from Meta-analysis did not agree to each other, the results drawn from the Meta-analysis were reliable.
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