Application of SF??36 scale on pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Yunnan province of China and southern Thailand
收稿日期:2004-10-14  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 结核,肺  SF-36量表  生命质量  信度  效度
英文关键词: Tuber culosis, pulmonary  SF 36 scale  Quality of life  Validity  Reliability
许建雄 广东省陆丰市疾病预防控制中心 516500 
郑毅语 广东省陆丰市疾病预防控制中心 516500 
林耀陆 广东省陆丰市疾病预防控制中心 516500 
林华启 广东省陆丰市疾病预防控制中心 516500 
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      广东省陆丰市2003年6月6-30日发生了流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)流行. 经采取应急接种和开展以灭蚊为主的爱国卫生运动等综合防制措施后, 疫情很快得到控制.
      Objective?? To ex plore the effect of SF??36 scale being applied in different countr ies under differ ent cultur e and to descr ibe t he quality of life of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in China and T hailand.Methods?? SF??36 scale was applied to pulmonar y tuberculosis patients in both countr ies using face to face interview.Results ?? Many coefficients among domains w ere gr eater than 0. 5 when quality of life of tuberculosis patient in both countries was measured. Cronbachs coefficient o f all domains w ere gr eater than 0.7 for tuberculosis patients in China while cronbachs efficient of most domains were equal or greater than 0.7 for tuberculosis patients in Thailand ex cept for v itality and social domains. The score of socialdomain for patients in Thailand was greater than that of China. Conclusion?? Structure validity was not good for tuberculosis patients in both countries since there were some items overlapped in different domains.However, the reliability was good for measur ing quality of life of tuberculosis patients both in China and in Thailand.
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