收稿日期:2005-03-07  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 登革热  临床特征  流行病学
姚文虎 南京市第二医院感染病科, 210003 
赵伟 南京市第二医院感染病科, 210003 
魏洪霞 南京市第二医院感染病科, 210003 
赵红 南京市第二医院感染病科, 210003 
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      流行性脑脊髓膜炎(流脑)国内多由A群脑膜炎奈瑟菌引起, C群菌少见, 爆发性流行更为少见, 现将南京市第二医院收治的一起疫点上C群菌流脑爆发5例患者的临床分析报告如下。
      Objective ?? To analyze the clinical and epidemiolog ical char acteristics of Dengue fev er( DF) during t he Dengue??1 epidemic in Guang zhou. Methods ?? Clinical and epidemiological data of 1032 patients w ith DF from May 2002 to November 2003 were retrospectively analyzed. Dengue virus were isolated by cell culture and t yped by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT??PCR). Results Age of the patients r anged fr om 55 days to 91 y ears old ( average 34.713.2 years) with sex r atio 1.03??1. Incubation period ranged from 2 to 12 days with mean per iods of 5.32.4 days. Most ( 45.0%)cases appeared in September and the epidemic last from July to No vember. Dengue outbreak had involued 675 cases in 26 common places. The common manifestations were seen as fev er ( 100%), headache( 90.9%), myalg ia ( 68.4%), bone sor eness( 48.8%), fatigue ( 79.3%), skin rash ( 60.1%), positive tourniquet test( 45.3%), leukopenia( 63.3%) and thrombocytopenia( 60.8%), respect ively. Deng ue virus was isolated from serum of 19 out of 54 patients??and identified as Dengue virus type 1. DNA sequence analyzes on rates of nucleotide homolog y w er e 97%, 97% and 98% compared with those of Dengue virus type 1 strain of DF outbreak in Cambodia, in 1997 and 1999 in China. Conclusion ?? The epidemic of DF in Guang zhou in 2002/ 2003 was caused by Dengue v irus type??1 with most patients showing classic type of the disease. Date suggested that chang e can happen from non??endemic to hypoendemic regions in Guangdong province.
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