Injury associated health risk factors in Chinese people, in 2002
收稿日期:2005-06-25  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 意外伤害  交通事故  自杀
英文关键词: Injury  Traffic accident  Suicide
刘娜 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所 
杨功焕 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所中国协和医科大学基础医学院 
马杰民 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所中国协和医科大学基础医学院 
陈爱平 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所中国协和医科大学基础医学院 
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      目的 描述2002年中国人群与伤害有关行为,特别是与交通事故及自杀有关行为的流行水平,以及在不同教育水平、职业和地区人群中的分布。方法 使用13个问题,利用2002年普查人口进行加权计算不同类别人群交通违章行为和保护性措施的执行情况,及家庭中农药、鼠药的保存情况。结果 36.7%的人报告过去30天有在自行车道及机动车道上行走或乱穿马路的行为,其中3.67%为经常(>3次/周),11.3%为有时(1-2次/周),21.7%为偶尔(1-2次/月)。30.3%骑自行车者报告过去30天有闻红灯、占用机动车道、骑车带人等违章行为。调查人群中有4351人过去30 天有驾车经历,分别有13.2%、11.4%和16.9%的机动车驾驶员报告过去30天有酒后驾车、疲劳驾驶和无证驾驶的经历。驾驶员或乘车者经常佩带交通安全带的比例只有7.7%;目前驾驶和搭乘摩托车者中,经常戴头盔的比例为19.1%。男性交通违章的行为高于女性;农村人群交通违章的现象较城市严重。农村地区存放农药及鼠药的比例高于城市地区;有10%的家庭随意放置农药或鼠药。结论 中国人群的交通违章现象严重,且交通安全保护性措施(佩带安全带、摩托车头盔)执行力度不够。对农药、鼠药疏于管理,人群的安全防范意识差。
      Objective To describe the prevalence of injury associated health risk factors, especially traffic accident/suicide-associated health risk factors in different populations by education, occupation and districts. Methods The indicators on traffic peccancy hehavior and protective measures, storage of pesticide and micecide were calculated based on results from 13 questions of BRFS questionnaire by weight on age structures from 2000 census. Results 36.7% pedestrians reported that they had traffic peccancy behavior in the past 30 days with 3.67% as always, 11.3% as sometimes and 21.7% as seldom. 30.3% bicycle riders reported that they had traffic peccancy behavior in the past 30 days. There were 13.2%, 11.4% and 16.9% auto-drivers reported ever having drunken driving, tired driving or driving without license. 7.7% drivers and riders always wore a safety belt. 19.1% motorcycle drivers and riders reported that they wore a crash helmet while riding. The traffic peccancy behavior in males, in rural area was more serious than in females and in urban areas. There were more families preserving pesticide and micecide in rural than in urban areas. 10% of these families did not have a good storage. Conclusion The traffic peccancy behavior was very serious, but the protective measures were not well conducted in China. The storage of pesticide and micecide was unsatifactory. The awareness on safety was insufficient in the general population, suggesting that it is of urgent importance to change people's improper behaviors through health education. It is also important to develop regulations to create supportive environment in reducing the deaths caused by injury.
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