To assess the demands of community-based health care service among 717 elderly
收稿日期:2005-02-21  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 卫生服务需求  定量调查  专题访谈
英文关键词: Health care service  Quantitative research  Focus discussion
朱晓平 北京水利医院内科 100036
刘雪荣 天津市蓟县卫生防病站
叶文 新疆维吾尔自治区疾病预防控制中心
张静 核工业二三公司二三医院
白筱玲 核工业二三公司二三医院
于普林 卫生部北京医院老年医学研究所
乌正赉 中国协和医科大学基础医学院 
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      目的 了解老年人的社区卫生服务需求及影响因素. 方法 采用问卷调查和专题小组访谈相结合的形式对717名60岁以上的老年人进行调查. 结果 老年人2周患病率56. 3%;慢性病患病率92. 1%, 其中70. 0%的老年人同时患有2种及以上慢性病;日常生活功能和日常生活使用器具能力丧失率为18%和7. 0%;2周就诊率37. 0%, 未利用卫生服务的原因主要是经济条件限制; 57. 7%的老年人愿意接受社区卫生服务, 定期体检是最需要的服务项目, 其次是医疗预防保健咨询、健康教育、专家服务、上门服务、电话转诊服务;不愿意接受社区卫生服务的原因主要是身体好和对社区卫生服务不了解. 结论 老年人社区卫生服务需求大、内容多, 应针对老年人的不同特点, 开展老年人需要且能够接受的社区卫生服务.
      Objective To understand the demands and influencing factors on the community-based health care service (CHS) among the elderly and to provide evidence of implementing health service for them. Methods Cluster sampling method was used on 717 persons aged 60 and above in Yanjiao Developing Area. A survey was carried out, using questionnaire and focus group discussion approaches. Results Data showed that a two-week prevalence of diseases was 56. 3% while the overall prevalence of chronic diseases was 92. 1 % with 70. 0% of them suffering from more than two kinds of chronic diseases. The rates of ADL and IADL loss were 1. 8% and 7. 0% respectively with 37. 0% of them sought medical consultation in the past two weeks. Major reason affecting the use of health service was low income. 57. 7% of the elderly expressed their willingness of accepting CHS with the strongest demands as regular physical check-up, health education and consultation, specialized care services, home care service while major reasons hindering the acceptance of CHS could be referred to self-perception on good stamina and lack of awareness to CHS. Conclusion The demands of CHS in the elderly were greater than those in general population that called for CHS programs to be acceptable and relevant to meet the different needs.
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