Quantitative analysis of factors affected mortality trend in Chinese, 2002
收稿日期:2005-10-26  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 死亡率  人口因素  非人口因素  行为危险因素
英文关键词: Death rate  Demographic factor  Non-demographic factor  Behavior risk factors
杨功焕 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所 北京 100005 
王俊芳 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所 北京 100005 
万霞 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所 北京 100005 
王黎君 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所 北京 100005 
陈爱平 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所 北京 100005 
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      目的定量测量人口因素和非人口因素对中国人群主要疾病死亡率上升和下降的影响,估计非人口因素在疾病死亡变化中的作用。方法 使用历年人口普查资料,以及1991年和2000年全国疾病监测系统分病因死亡率资料,采用死亡率差别分解法,计算该人群死亡率变化有多大比例是由人口因素引起的,多大比例是由其他因素引起。结果 1950-1975年中国人群死亡率快速下降,主要是非人口因素,包括经济发展、教育和医疗卫生服务普及,特别是“爱国卫生运动”对死亡率下降起了主要作用。1991-2000年期间,肺癌、肝癌、乳腺癌、冠心病、脑卒中、糖尿病和交通伤害都呈上升趋势,这些疾病的上升,50%以上都是非人口因素的作用。特别是肺癌,非人口因素的作用达到63%,交通伤害死亡率上升,88%与非人口因素有关。结论 研究表明,行为危险因素,包括吸烟和被动吸烟、不健康饮食和静坐生活方式以及交通违章行为对多种疾病的死亡率上升有极大的影响,因此降低肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、交通伤害的死亡率,很大程度上依赖人们改变自己的不健康行为。
      Objective To explain trend of death in Chinese by quantitative analysis of demographic and non-demographic factors and estimate the proportion of contribution of non-demographic and demographic factors.Methods Using census data and death causes data of National Disease Surveillance Points at 1991 and 2000 to calculate the proportion of contribution of demographic and non-demographic factors and to change on various death causes from 1991 to 2000 by methods of decomposing the differences of death rates.Results The death rate showed a rapid decrease during 1950-1975, mainly owing to the contribution of non-demographic factors, including economic development, popularization of education and health service, especially the "patriotic hygiene movement".During 1991-2000, the death causes of lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, chronic heart disease, stroke, diabetes and traffic accident had been increasing.The increase of deaths caused by these diseases were contributed to the non-demographic factors including 63% of the increase on lung cancer and 88% of increase on death rate of traffic accidents.Conclusion The study showed that the risk factors had contributed to the increase of death rates, including behavioral risk factors described in the preceding 5 papers as smoking and passive smoking, unhealthy diet, sedentary life style, violating traffic regulation etc.In order to reduce the death rates on cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, traffic accidents, emphasis should be also laid on the change of unhealthy behaviors.
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