Study on the esophageal cancer incidence and mortality rate from1974 -2002 in Cixian, China
收稿日期:2005-07-14  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 食管肿瘤  发病率  死亡率
英文关键词: Esophageal neoplasms  Incidence  Mortality rate
贺宇彤 050011 石家庄, 河北省肿瘤研究所 
侯浚 050011 石家庄, 河北省肿瘤研究所 
陈志峰 050011 石家庄, 河北省肿瘤研究所 
宋国慧 磁县肿瘤研究所 
乔翠云 磁县肿瘤研究所 
孟凡书 磁县肿瘤研究所 
冀洪新 磁县肿瘤研究所 
陈超 磁县肿瘤研究所 
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      Objective To describe the incidence and mortality rates of eso phag eal cancer from 1974- 2002 in Cixian county of Hebei province.Basic information on comparative geographical,epidemiological, and clinical resear ch was collected.Methods In early 1970s, cancer registry system in Cixian was established, collecting information on all the esophageal cancer cases in Cixian.Data was checked manually, then computerized, coded and analyzed using the softw are — SPSS 11.5.Results From 1974 to 2002, there were 18 471 esophageal cancer cases in Cixian, with 11068 males and 7403 females,respectively.The age standardized incidence rate(ASR)for males w as 208.77 per 100 000, while 120.47 per 100 000 fo r females.The trend of incidence rate of esophageal cancer had decreased during the 29 years from 1974 to 2002(trend χ2 =19.94, P <0.001).From 25 years of age onward, the incidence rates of the lower age groups declined with the increase of age.As for geographic distribution, the incidence rate inmountainous areas and hilly areas showed a significan declining trend in mountainous areas, χ2=195.00, P<0.001 ;hilly areas, χ2 =46.08, P<0.001.The esophageal cancer incidence in plain areas remained steady, but had a slig ht increase in recent years.From 1969 to 2002, there were 18 736 cases died of esophageal cancer with 11 598 males and 7138 females.The ASR for male was 127.17 per 100 000 and 101.57 per 100 000 for female.Compared with the year 1969, the mortality ra te of eso phag eal cancer in 2002 had a 37.96 % decline.The proportion of eso phag eal cancer among malig nant tumors in different decades decreased significantly.Conclusion The trend of the incidence rate of esophageal cancer had been decreasing for the last 29 y ears.The incidence rate in mountainous areas and hilly areas showed a declining trend while in the plain areas it remained steady but having slight increase in the recent years.The mortality rate of esophageal cancer had a significant decrease from 1969 to 2002.
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