Study on the correlations between HBsAg and hepatitis C virus expression as well as fibrotic staging in hepatocellular carcinoma and pericarcinomatous tissues
收稿日期:2005-01-24  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 乙型肝炎表面抗原  丙型肝炎抗原  肝纤维化分期  免疫组织化学  肝细胞瘤
英文关键词: Hepatitis B virus surface antigen  Hepatitis Cvirus antigen  Fibrotic staging  Immunohistochemistry  Hepatocellular carcinoma
宣世英 266011 青岛市市立医院肝病科 
辛永宁 266011 青岛市市立医院肝病科 
陈桦 青岛市市立医院病理科 
史光军 青岛市市立医院肝胆外科 
孙樱 266011 青岛市市立医院肝病科 
张健 266011 青岛市市立医院肝病科 
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      Objective To study the co rrelation between hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis C vir us(HCV) expression as w ell as fibrosis staging in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and pericar cinomatous tissues. Methods The patterns o f HBsAg and HCV in 100 cases of HCC and their surrounding liv er tissues were studied on par affin- embeded sect ions with immunohistochemistr y technique, and liver tissues were also staged. Results HBV, HCV virus infection w ere positively correlated w ith the fibrotic stag ing (rs =0. 32, P=0. 001 ). HBsAg and HCV were detected both in HCC and pericar cinomatous tissues. The positive r ate of HBsAg in Pericarcinomatous Tissues(79%) was higher than that of in HCC tissues(23%). HCV ex pressions in HCC (15%) and pericarcinomatous tissues (23%) show ed no sig nificant differences. Conclusion The fibrotic degree in the tissues of liver cancer with previous virus infection was obviously higher t han that without virus infection。Viral infectio n seemed to be one of the reasons causing liver cancer while perennial virusemia would aggravate pathological changes of the liver tissue.
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