Study on the dissemination of human immunodef iciency virus risk behaviors in a f loating workers comingfrom the countryside in China
收稿日期:2005-09-15  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 艾滋病  性危险行为  流动人群  创新扩散
英文关键词: Human immunodeficiency virus  Risk sexual behavior  Floating workers fr om countryside  Diffusion of innovation
杨廷忠 浙江大学医学院 Tingzhongyang@sohu.com 
摘要点击次数: 4127
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      目的 揭示城市民工艾滋病性危险行为的扩散模式。方法 资料来自于杭州和广州两个城市多阶段抽样的1595名男性城市民工。资料应用结构问卷以匿名方式获取。初步分析显示性危险行为的时间累计采纳状况, 多元回归分析在于确立影响采纳的有关因素。结果 所调查民工中有57.9%~88.1%的各种性危险行为的前阶段行为和79.9%的商业性交行为首次发生在外打工期间。各种前阶段行为采纳高峰发生在进城打工后的第三个月, 发生率为15.2%~26.8%;商业性交行为则在第六个月, 其发生率为14.4%; 两者间的过渡时间为3个月。高峰时间的累计率前阶段行为57.3%~70.4%,商业性交行为48.9%; 累计采纳曲线呈现迅速增长趋势, 这种情况在前阶段行为较商业性交行为更为突出。早期商业性交行为采纳者大多为已婚者和具有较高享乐型价值观的人。性信息交流行为与行为采纳关联于心理压力和享乐型价值观。结论 性危险行为在流动人群中的流行是一种社会和群体现象, 应该强调采取社会策略和措施进行控制。
      Objective ?? To explore the pattern of transmmision of human immunodeficiency virus through risky sexual behaviors ( RSB ) in floating workers coming from the countryside to the cities. Methods?? Data were collected anonymously through a structured questionnaire survey in 1595 men from Hang zhou and Guangzhou cities, using a mult-istage sampling method. Data from both preliminary analyses and multivariate regression analysis would show the cumulative adoption of RSB over time and the identification of factors associated with the adoption in this population from the two areas. Results 57.9%- 88.1% of the study samples with the pre-stage RSB( receiving shampoo, massag e or leisur e-seeking activities from "sexual wor kers"??) and 79.9% of those with commercial RSB were initiated during the period when they were working away from their hometowns. The highest adoption rate( 15.2%- 26.8%) was happened in the third month after moving to the urban areas for pre-stage RSB, while the highest rate ( 14.4%) was noticed in the sixth month for the commer cial ones. The transition interval between the two behaviors was around 3 months. The cumulative rate was peaked from 57.3% to 70.4% for pre- stage RSB and 48.9% for commercial RSB. The cumulative adoption curves showed that the robust increment was more pronounced in the pre-stage than in the commercial RSB. Most of the early adopters were married and holding higher hedonistic beliefs for the commercial RSB. Communication of sex information and behavioral adoption of RSB was associated with the per ceived stress and hedonistic beliefs. Conclusion?? RSB epidemics seemed to be social and group phenomena, suggesting that related social strateg ies should be developed in or der to control the RSB in this population.
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