Study on the risk factors of injuries among school students in Zhejiang province
收稿日期:2005-09-22  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 伤害  危险因素  logistic回归
英文关键词: Injury  Risk factor  Logistic regression
俞敏 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310009 
钟节鸣 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310009 
丛黎明 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310009 
摘要点击次数: 3427
全文下载次数: 1473
      Objective To explore the risk factors of injury among school students in Zhejiang province and to provide the basic information for the development of injury intervention program. Methods A case-control study was conducted on 7454 cases and 34 611 controls. Data was analyzed by unconditional univariate and multivariate logistic regression using STATA 5.0. Results There were 7454 students suffered from varied injuries during the past one year with an incidence rate of 26.39 %. The leading causes of injuries were falis(10.52% ),knife-cutting(3.71%),collision(3.49% ) and bitten by animals(1.30%). Results from univariate analysis showed that injuries were associated with gender(OR=0.82),age(OR=1.02), frequenst outdoor exercises (OR=1.41), myopia (OR=1.17), frequently bycycle riding (OR= 1.20), having hobby of playing at high places(OR=1.24), education level of the parents(OR=0.88), firing fireworks etc. Results from multivariate analysis showed that gender(OR=0.88), myopia(OR = 1.11).fostering pet cat(OR=1.18),good at outdoor sports(OR =1.25),riding bicycle frequently(OR=1.13), playing at high places (OR=1.14), unfit location of pesticide or medicine at home (OR = 1.11) were the main factors. Falls was significantly associated with gender(OR = 0.83), education of parents (OR=0.95), riding bicycle frequently (OR =1.12), playing at high places (OR=1.12) and good at outdoor sporting(OR=1.31). Cutting by knives was associated with gender(OR=1.14) and good at reading and watching TV in leisure time(OR=0.88). Collision was associated with gender(OR=0.74), myopia (OR=1.21), education levels of the parents (OR = 0.94), good at outdoor sporting (OR = 1.39) and riding bicycle frequently (OR=1.16). Bitten by animals was associated with age (OR=0.95 ), fostering pet cats(OR=1. 53) and dogs(OR=1.41). Conclusion Injuries in school students were caused by multiple factors,especially the behavioral characteristics and situation of the families.
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