Study on the results of treating tuberculosis inpatient in the general hospitals: a correspondence analysis
收稿日期:2005-12-22  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 结核  对应分析  综合医院
英文关键词: Tuberculosis  Correspondence analysis  General hospitals
高晓凤 四川大学华西医院循证医学与临床流行病学中心, 成都 610041
陈建 华西公共卫生学院社会医学教研室
杨小东 华西医院华西临床医学院呼吸内科  
孙鑫 四川大学华西医院循证医学与临床流行病学中心, 成都 610041
李幼平 四川大学华西医院循证医学与临床流行病学中心, 成都 610041
秦雯霞 四川大学华西医院循证医学与临床流行病学中心, 成都 610041
摘要点击次数: 3820
全文下载次数: 1254
      Objective To understand the current status of treatment among inpatients of tuberculosis(TB) in general hospitals, and to related to different attributes.Methods A retrospective study was designed for inpatients with TB who were discharged from general hospitals in Nanchong region. 2003. Factors associated with the results of treatment were selected, using Chi-square test. Further correspondence analysis(CA) was used to visualize the relationship between attributes of inpatients and results of treatment in general hospitals.Results Statistically significant factors associated with treatment results would include gender, age, state of illness at access to hospital, comorbidity and length of stay, while ways of payment, occupation and marital status were not statistically significant. The joint plot of CA showed results as follows:(1)Attributes of inpatients died in general hospitals were clearly different from that of cured or improved inpatients. ( 2 ) Result of hospitalization on treatment was more likely to be ‘improved' for TB inpatients who were male, aged X15 yrs, and with urgent condition when administered into the hospitals. (3) Result of cure was likely to be seen among inpatients who were female, length of stay >8 days, with no comorbidity, and with average illness state when accessing to hospitals. (4) Bad treatment results were appeared for inpatients younger than 15 yrs, with critical state when administered to hospitals.Conclusion(1)CA provided us with a new way on how to extract useful information from miscellaneous data of the patients. (2) The relationships between the results of treatment from the general hospitals and TB inpatients' attributes might provide tips to develop a series of corresponding strategies for treating TB inpatients with special attributes in order to obtain higher cure rate.
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