Study on the diagnosis,treatment and requirement of epilepsy patients in urban communities
收稿日期:2006-01-26  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 癫痫  需求
英文关键词: Epilepsy  Requirement
丁玎 复旦大学神经病学研究所 上海 200040  
江滨 北京市神经外科研究所  
刘运海 中南大学湘雅医院神经病学研究所  
王文志 北京市神经外科研究所  
吴建中 北京市神经外科研究所  
杨期东 中南大学湘雅医院神经病学研究所  
张立 卫生部疾病控制局慢病处  
李世绰 中国抗癫痫协会  
洪震 复旦大学神经病学研究所 上海 200040 zhong@sbmu.edu.cn 
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      目的通过调查中国部分城市癫痫患者的诊治和需求情况,为探索适合中国国情的癫痫治疗和管理模式提供依据。方法对上海、北京、长沙三个城市社区人群中的癫痫患者进行问卷调查。内容包括一般情况、就诊情况、治疗情况、对癫痫知识的了解程度和途径、生活中的障碍和目前的需要。结果大多数患者能正确选择医疗机构(90 8%)和专业医生(92.3%)就诊,并遵医嘱服用抗癫痫的西药(77.4%),治疗效果亦较好(82.6%)。但仍有部分患者对癫痫知识不太了解(13.5%),去私人诊所就医(12 9%)和使用民间偏方(7.7%),治疗期间不重视随访血药浓度(45.8%)和血生化指标(43.9%)。等候时间长(36.8%)、交通不便(23.2%)、费用太高(22.6%)是造成就医不便的主要原因。患者就医主要的障碍是就业(47.2%)、婚姻(29.9%)、心理(44.4%)和人际关系(29.9%);主要的需求是有效(87.0%)和便宜的药物(40.9%)及就医方便(37.0%)。结论应结合患者的需求加强宣传教育和心理疏导等方面工作。
      Objective To investigate the diagnosis,treatment and requirement of epilepsy patients in some urban communities in China,and to provide the evidence of searching for effective treatment and management on epilepsy under the China's context.Methods A face-to-face survey were conducted in 3 urban communities in Shanghai,Beijing and Changsha,respectively.The questions in the questionniare were general information,hospital visit,treatment,the level and way of getting on the knowledge of epilepsy,as welt as the current obstacles and needs.Results Most of the patients selected the regular hospitals (90.8 % ) and the departments (92.3 % ) for their epielspy diagnosis and treatment.They used AEDs modo dictu (77.4 % ),and had controlled the seizures quite well (82.6 % ).A small part of patients still could not deeply understand the basic knowledge on epilepsy (13.5%).They ignored to follow up the drug concentration (45.8 % ) in blood and the blood biocheminstry indicators (43.9%).Some patients went to private clinics (12.9 %) and used lay people remedies (7.7 %).Longtime waiting (36.8 %),inconvenient traffic (23.2%),and high expenses (22.6%) were the main problems influncing the timely treatment. The main obstacles of the patients were employment (47.2%),marriage (29.9%),psychological conditions (44.4%) and interpersonal relationship (29.9%).The main requirements were the effectiveness (87.0 %) and cheap AEDs (40.9 %) as well as the convenience of hospital visit (37.0 %). Conclusion It is very important to emphasize knowledge and publicity/education on epilepsy as well as the psychological treatment according to the requirements of patients
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