The introduction of breastfeeding in children under age of three in the counties of western China in 2005
收稿日期:2006-07-26  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 纯母乳喂养  影响因素  3岁以下儿童  中国西部农村
英文关键词: Exclusive breastfeeding  Affecting factors  Children under the age of three years  Rural counties of western China
康轶君 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
颜虹 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061 yanhonge@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 
王全丽 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
李强 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
肖生彬 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
毕育学 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
谢红 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系流行病与卫生统计教研室, 西安 710061  
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      目的: 了解中国西部10省45县农村<3岁儿童母乳喂养的状况及其影响因素。方法: 采用横断面调查设计和人口比例抽样法(PPS), 于2005年调查了45县获得14077对母子, 通过母亲回顾调查了儿童的母乳喂养情况。 结果: 西部地区农村<3岁儿童母乳喂养率为96.5%。 然而, <6个月纯母乳喂养率只有11.4%, 优势母乳喂养率为22.0%, 完全母乳喂养率为33.4%; 及时开奶率为43.5%; 母乳持续喂养≥1年的比例是64.9%, 母乳持续喂养≥2年的比例仅为9.7%。“应该断奶”和“母亲要参加劳动”是母亲自觉断奶的主要原因。<6个月纯母乳喂养有利于儿童的生长发育, 可以降低儿童的2周腹泻患病率。 <6个月纯母乳喂养的主要危险因素为母亲受教育程度高、调查地区经济状况差和母亲为少数民族。 结论: 西部地区儿童普遍接受母乳喂养, 儿童出生后开奶早, 母乳喂养持续时间不长, <6个月纯母乳喂养率一直在较低的水平, 尤其是经济状况较差的四类农村以及少数民族地区。
      Objective: The study was to describe the breastfeeding status of children under the age of three in counties of western China and to provide evidence to the government for decision making on intervention. Methods: A cross-sectional study with probability-proportional-to-size(PPS)sampling method was used. The information on breastfeeding was obtained through memory of the mothers. Fourteen thousand and seventy-seven children were studied. Data on breastfed status in counties of western China was compared with those of the children from the survey of the counties of western China in 2001+ Results: The breastfeeding rate of children under 3 years old in western China was 96.5%. However, the overall breastfed rate of children under 6 months were only 33.4% with rates of 11.4% and 22.0% on exclusively and predominantly breastfed groups respectively. Timely first-suckling rate was 43.5% with the continued breastfeeding rate(1 year)as 64.9%, but the continued breastfeeding rate (2 year) was only 9.7%. Reasons causing mothers to wean would include according to her own intention and to be able to attend the physical 1abor while exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months was for the growth and development of children, which might reduce the two week prevalence of diarrhea. Major risks of exclusive breastfeeding of children under 6 months were seen as: level of education of the mothers. economic depression of the counties and mother'S nationality(if as minority). Conclusion: Most of the children were ever or being breastfed at the time of interview with timely first-suckling took place earlier than in 2001. However continued breastfeeding did not last long. During these five years, the exclusive breastfeeding rate had been at lOW level. especially at the economic depression and the minority area.
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