江朝强,林大庆,郑家强,殷鹏,ThomasG.Nell,劳向前,张维森,刘斌,Paymone Adab,李志斌.广州市中老年人主动脉弓钙化的现患率及其相关特征[J].中华流行病学杂志,2007,28(2):173-176 |
广州市中老年人主动脉弓钙化的现患率及其相关特征 |
The prevalence and characteristics of aortic arch calcification among middle and elderly population in Gnangzhou |
收稿日期:2006-10-25 出版日期:2014-09-12 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 主动脉弓钙化 现患率 影像学特征 |
英文关键词: ortic arch calcification Prevalence Imaging characteristics |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 江朝强 | 广州市第十二人民医院, 广州 510620 | 林大庆 | 香港大学公共卫生学院 | 郑家强 | Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, UK | 殷鹏 | Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, UK | ThomasG.Nell | 香港大学公共卫生学院 | 劳向前 | 广州市第十二人民医院, 广州 510620 | 张维森 | 广州市第十二人民医院, 广州 510620 | 刘斌 | 广州市第十二人民医院, 广州 510620 | Paymone Adab | Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, UK | 李志斌 | 广州市第十二人民医院, 广州 510620 |
摘要点击次数: 3924 |
全文下载次数: 1408 |
中文摘要: |
目的: 研究广州市≥50岁居民主动脉弓钙化(AAC)现患率及其相关特征。方法: 收集10413名年龄在≥50岁居民的-般资料, 体格检查和实验室检查结果; 用东芝KSO-15R型x光机拍摄10305名受检者胸部后前位X线平片, 由2名高级放射科医师-起进行x线胸片AAC诊断, 同时作独立阅片一致性可靠检验(Kappa值)。结果: (1)2名高级放射科医师独立阅片对AAC诊断符合率为85.0%, 一致性可靠检验Kappa值为0.68(P<0.001), 显示其AAC诊断-致性是可靠的; (2)10305名(男3064, 女7349)受检者平均年龄男(64.0±6.0)岁,女(66.2±5.8)岁, 文化程度以中学或以下为主, 从事工人和农民职业占-半以上; (3)AAC检出率沩40.6%, 女性(41.4%)高于男性(38.6%); (4)AAC随年龄增加而明显增加(P<0.001), 但与职业无明显相关; (5)AAC主要发生于弓部(98.7%), 长度>10 mm(57.6%)、宽度1~4 mm(74.0%)占多数, 提示≥50岁者AAC程度较为严重。结论: 广州市≥50岁者AAC检出率为40.6%, 明显高于国外相关报道, 程度也较严重, 其原因及机理正在进-步探讨。 |
英文摘要: |
0bjective: To examine the prevalence and characteristics of aortic arch calcification (AAC)in residents aged 50 or over in Guangzhou, China. Methods: Face-to-face interview, Dhysical examination and 1aboratory tests were conducted on 10413 Chinese adults aged 50 or over. Posterior anterior plain chest X-ray radiographs were obtained from 10305 subjects using a Toshiba KSO, 15R machine. The radiographs were reviewed together by two radiologists while 300 radiographs were independently gone through by two radiologists tO assess the agreement with Kappa coefficient method. Results: The rate of agreement on Diagnosis for the two radiologists was 85.0% and Kappa coefficient was 0.68. with P<0.001 which showed a moderate agreement between the two radiologists. Among the 10305 subjects, there were 3064 men and 7349 women, with their mean age (standard deviation) as 64.0+6.0 and 66.2+5.8, respectively. Most of them had educational 1evel of middle school or below and most of their occupations were factory or agricultural workers. The prevalence of AAC was 40.6%. Women showed significantly higher prevalence rate than men (41.4% versus 38.6%. P<0.0011 and the prevalence of AAC increased significantly with age. Subjects with primary educational level or below had the highest prevalence of AAC.There was no significant association found between occupation and AAC prevalence. 98.7% of the subjects with AAC occurred in aortic arch. Most AAC had a length of 10 nlnl or longer and a width from 1-4mm, which indicated the severity of AAC among the subjects. Conclusion: The prevalence of AAC among Guangzhou Biobank Cohort was about 40.6% higher than those reported in foreign studies, while most of the lesions were quite serious. |
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