胡晓抒,郭志荣,沈冲,武鸣,喻荣彬,姚才良.抗原肽处理相关运载体637 A/G多态与代谢综合征的关联性研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2007,28(3):286-289
抗原肽处理相关运载体637 A/G多态与代谢综合征的关联性研究
Study on the association between polymorphism of TAPl 637 A/G aIleles polymorphism and metabolic syndrome
收稿日期:2006-06-30  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 代谢综合征  抗原肽处理相关运载体  多态性
英文关键词: ktabdlic syndrome  Transponers associated with antigen processing  Allele polymorphism
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      目的探索抗原肽处理相关运载体(TAPl)637 A/G多态与代谢综合征(Ms)的相关性。方法应用病例对照研究设计,以社区基础上的MS 138例(男68例,女70例,年龄61.31岁±11.00岁)和同样来源的162例健康对照(男74例,女88例,年龄48.73岁±11.66岁)进行比较分析,等位基因分型应用限制性片段长度多态性一PCR(RFLP—PCR)方法,多因素调整应用非条件logistic回归模型。结果对照组TAPl 637 A/G等位基因频率分别为83.3%、16.7%,符合Hardy—weinberg平衡(X2=1.46,P>0.05);病例组TAPl 637 G等位基因型频率(26.1%)显著高于对照组(16.7%)(P=0.005)。以频率较低的等位基因型(G)为突变型,对于隐性模型和相加模型,经年龄调整,病例组的GG基因型频率分布均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。隐性模型:OR=6.62,95%Cl:1.73~25.31;相加模型:OR=1.56,95%Cl:1.01~2.41;而对于显性模型,两者差异无统计学意义(OR=1.33,95%Cl:0.78~2.28)。不同基因型之间MS临床指标比较结果显示,收缩压和舒张压差异有统计学意义(P<0.,05),而血糖、体重指数及血脂等其他特征比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论TAPl 637等位基因A>G改变或基因型AA>GGAG>GG改变可增加MS危险,尤其是增加收缩压和舒张压的水平。
      Objective To explore the effect of the transporter 1 associated with 0ntigen processing (TAPl)gene 637 A/G polymorphism on the“sk of metab01ic syndrome(MS).Methods A case—contml study was conducted on 138 based—community patients(68 males and 70 females,61.31±11.00 years old) diagnosed as MS with 162 healthy subjects(74 males and 88 females,48.73±l 1.66 years old)came from the same origin as cases. The allele p01ymorphisms TAPl 637 A/G was examined by the specificity rest“ction fragment length polymorphism—polymerase chain reaction(RFLP—PCR)method with genomic DNA.The effect of TAPl 637 A/G polymorphisms on MS were analyzed by multiva“able unconditional logistic regression models.Results The TAPl 637 A/G allele genotypes frequencies(83.3%,16.7%) cont“bution in control group were consistent with the dist“bution predicted by Hardy—Weinberg equilibrium (X2=1.46,P>0.05).TAPl 637 G allele genotypes frequencies(26.1%)of cases were significantly higher than contr01s(16.7%)with P=0.005.There were signmcant differences of AA(58.0%),AG (31.9%)and GG(10.1%)genotypes in cases than contr01s,AA(68.5%).AG(29.6%)and GG (1.9%)for recesSive model and addictive model after age was adjusted with P value as 0.006 and O.044, but no significant differences for dominant model(P=0.298). Results from recessive model with OR= 6.62,95%Cl:1.73—25.31,Addictive model with OR=1.56,95%Cl:1.01—2.41 and one—way ANoVA analysis showed that systolic bl∞d pressure(SBP)and diastolic b100d pressure(DBP)levels of GG genotype were significantly higher than AA or AG genotype(PConclusion The TAPl 637 allele A to G alteration or genotype AA to GG and AG to GG alterations could increase the risk of MS significantly,especially for SBP and DBP levels,and this positive association results might be helpful to support the biological role of TAPl in MS but in need of larger sample size to provide more powerful evidences.
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