Study on an outbreak of Echovirus type 6 of meningitis in Liu'an city, Anhui province
收稿日期:2007-01-18  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 埃可病毒6型  病毒性脑膜炎  暴发  危险因素
英文关键词: Echovirus type 6  Aseptic meningitis  Outbreak  Risk factors
何曙春 安徽省六安市疾病预防控制中心, 237008 
熊传龙 青海省疾病预防控制中心 
吴家兵 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
彭大元 安徽省金寨县疾病预防控制中心 
赵月萍 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的 分析2005年安徽省六安市一起埃可病毒6型(Echo6)脑膜炎暴发疫情的流行病学、临床、实验室特征.方法 对所有病例进行流行病学、临床特征分析,通过病例对照调查危险因素.采用病毒分离方法确定病原,运用分子生物学检测进一步确证,利用血清学检测分析隐性感染情况.结果 105例病例分布在金寨县30个乡镇中的17个,41.0%病例集中在斑竹园镇,该镇罹病率为203/10万,具有学校和班级聚集性.发病年龄在3~15岁之间,以6~10岁小学生为主,平均年龄7.8岁,罹病率为10.9/10万,男性和女性的罹病率分别为24.2/10万和8.4/10万.大部分患者主要临床表现为发热、头痛、呕吐.从72例患者脑脊液中分离出25份Echo6,占35%.病例组与对照组比较,喝饮料OR=4.1,95% CI:1.4~12.0;尤其喝袋装饮料OR=3.3,95% CI:1.3~8.8.在生产袋装饮料的7名职工中有6人粪便检出Echo6.100名7~14岁健康人血清中和抗体阳性46人,阳性率46.0%,与病例组阳性率73.5%相比差异有统计学意义(X2=12.526,P=0.000).结论 为一起主要由Echo6感染所致的病毒性脑膜炎的疫情,病例组喝饮料尤其袋装饮料的比例明显高于对照组.
      Objective To understand the epidemiological,clinical and etiological characteristics of an Eehovirus type 6 meningitis outbreak in Jinzhai county,Liu'an city in Anhui,and to find out the proper way in controlling the aseptic meningitis outbreak.Methods A surveillance system for aseptic meningitis was established in Jinzhai to confirm the case definition.Stool or cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) specimens from some cases were collected for entero-viruses isolation and identification.Case-control study was conducted. The case group involved patients while the controls would include:patients' classmate with same gender and the age difference was not over one year.Neutralization antibody in serum specimens were collected and tested in cases and in healthy people.Results 105 cases were distributed in 17 of the 30 towns in Jinzhai county while 41.0% of the cases were in Banzhuyuan town with an incidence rate of 203/10~5.Cases were clustered by school and classroom with age ranging from 3 to 15 years old and the highest as 10.9/10~5 in the 6 to 10 group.The incidence in males was 24.2/10~5 compared to 8.4/10~5 in females.The main clinic characteristics of cases were:fever,headache and vomiting.Echovirus type 6 from 25 of the 72 CSF samples(35%) was isolated.When comparing the cases group with control group,the OR of drinking home-made beverages was 4.1 (95% CI;1.4-12.0),especially the beverages sacked by plastic bag:3.3 (95% CI:1.3-8.8).6 out of 7 workers engaging in producing home-made beverages were detected to have carried Echovirus type 6 from their stool specimens.The Echovirus type 6 neutralization antibody positive rate in cases(73.5%) was significantly higher than that in 100 healthy people(46.0%)(χ~2=12.526,P= 0.000).Conclusion This episode of meningitis outbreak was caused by Echovirus type 6.The proportion of drinking home-made beverages,especially the beverages sacked by plastic bag in cases group was higher than in control group.
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