Study on the prevalence of human papillomavirus infection and distribution of types in Shenyang city
收稿日期:2007-07-12  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 人乳头瘤病毒  宫颈肿瘤  筛查
英文关键词: Human papillumavirus  Cervix neoplasms  Screening
张新 110042 沈阳, 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科 
王纯雁 110042 沈阳, 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科 
石菊芳 110042 沈阳, 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科 
高岩 110042 沈阳, 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科 
李联昆 110042 沈阳, 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科 
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      目的 探讨沈阳市妇女人乳头瓣病毒(HPV)感染的型别分布。方法 在沈阳市某社区抽取年龄为15~59岁的1000名妇女进行子宫颈癌危险因素的流行病学问卷调查,对已婚未孕妇女采集子宫颈细胞标本,用PCR分析和酶联免疫实验进行HPV检测分型,用薄层液基细胞学、醋酸染色后肉眼观察试验、碘试验和电子阴道镜进行子宫颈癌和癌前病变筛查。结果 在纳入研究的702例妇女中.总的HPV感染率为17.0%。HPV感染在细胞学异常者中占64.1%,细胞学正常者中占11.1%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。人群中高危型HPV感染率为11.9%,低危型为6.5%。高危型及低危型HPv在细胞学异常人群中的感染均明显高于细胞学正常的人群。共有32个型别的HPV被鉴定。感染最多的类型为HPVl6(3.4%),52(2.4%)和58型(1.9%)。总HPV感染率、高危型及低危型在行年龄组问的分布差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。但是高危型HPv感染在45岁以下年龄组中占主导地位,即高危型及低危型感染的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在45岁以上年龄组,高危型及低危型感染的差异五统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 沈阳市妇女HPV感染在细胞学异常人群中明显高于细胞学正常的人群。主要感染型别是16、52和58型。
      Objective To study the status of infection and type-specific distribution on human papillomavirus(HPV) in the urban areas of Shenyang city,China and to provide data for vaccine introduction.Methods A list of 1000 women aged 15-59 years were obtained randomly from the local population,and a questionnairey was filled in.Samples of cervical cell were obtained from 702 women who bad had sexual experience and were not pregnant during the study was carried on.HPV type was detected using a GP5+/6+_based PCR,liquid-bared cytology,VIA,VILI and electronic coloscopy were used for screening on cervical cancer.Results The prevalence of any HPV type was 17.0% among the 702 women who had been enrolled in this study,64.1% in women with normal cytolagy,11.1% in women with normal cytology and the difference was significant.The prevalence of high-risk HPV type was 11.9% and the low-risk type was 6.5%,The prevalence of either high-risk or low-risk HPV type was significantly higher in women with abnormal cytology than those with normal cytology.There were a total number of 32 HPV types identified and the most common HPV types were 16(3.4%),52(2.4%)and 58 (1.9%).The prevalence rates of either high-risk or low-risk HPV type were not statistically different among different age-groups with P>0.05.HPV types with high risk were predominantly distributed in the groups below 45 years old and the difference was significant with P<0.05.There was no significant difference between high-risk and low-risk types above 45 years old.Conclusion The prevalence of HPV in women with abnormal cytology was statistically higher than those with normal cytology.The most common HPV types in this population were 16,52 and 58,and the validity of present vaccines was not good enough far cervical cancer prevention in this local area.
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