Prevalence of preterm birth among singIetons in 10 counties(cities)of China,1993-2005
收稿日期:2007-06-02  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 早产  发生率趋势
英文关键词: Preterm birth  Preterm birth rate  Trend
刘兰 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
刘建蒙 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
刘英惠 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
李智文 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
叶荣伟 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
郑俊池 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
李竹 北京大学生育健康研究所, 100083 
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      目的描述中国10县(市)单胎儿早产流行状况及长期变化趋势。方法资料来源于“中美预防出生缺陷和残疾合作项目”中的围产保健监测数据库。研究对象为3省10县(市)在1993-2005年问所有孕满28周且分娩单胎儿(包括死胎死产)的孕产妇542 923名,计算早产率并描述其分布特征。结果1993-2005年间在10县(市)共发生早产25 784例(其中死胎死产1530例),早产率为4.75%(95%CJ:4.69~4.81),活产儿早产率为4.49%(95%c,:4.44~4.55)。单胎早产率呈逐年下降趋势,无明显季节倾向;南方城市、南方农村和北方农村的早产率依次降低;分娩年龄与早产率呈“u”型关系;文化程度低、孕产次多、有早产史或自然流产史者早产率较高。结论10县(市)单胎早产率呈逐年下降趋势,不同地区差别显著。
      objectiveTo describe the secular trends and epidemiological characteristics of pretermbirth among sin91etons in 10 counties(cities)of China during 1993-2005.methods We analyzed data on 542 923 women(gestational age≥28 weeks)collected through Perinatal Healthcare Surveillance Systemestablished bv the Institute of Reproductive and Child Health,Peking University.Chi-square tests wereemployed to test the differences in prevalence of preterm birth among different groups. results 25 784preterm births were identified,including 1530 stillbirths.Preterm birth rate was 4.75%(95%CJ:4.69-4.81)fOr all births and 4.49%(95%C,:4.44-4.55)for 1ive births.Preterm birth rate declined steadilyfrom 1993 to 2005 and had no significant seasonal variation.Preterm birth rate from the urban areas of theSbuthern part of the countrv,was higher than that in the rural areas which was also higher than that seen inthe rural areas from the northern part of the country. Relations between women’s age at delivery andpreterm birth appeared to be U-shaped.Increased preterm birth rates were alSo observed in women withlower education 1evel,more parities,and previous history of preterm birth or abortion.conclusion Pretermbirth rate decreased steadily from 1993 2005 in 10 counties(cities)but varied by areas of the country.
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