(knetic analysis on HAl and NA regions of influenza Virus subtype A3 isolates of Zhejiang proVince during1998-2005
收稿日期:2007-05-24  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 流行性感冒病毒  甲3亚型  基因特性
英文关键词: Influenza virus  subtype A3  Genetic characteristic
卢亦愚 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
严菊英 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
茅海燕 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
冯燕 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
徐昌平 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
周敏 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
余蓓蓓 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州, 310009 
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      目的分析近几年浙江省甲3亚型流行性感冒(流感)流行株血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)基因的特性’、变异与流感流行的关系。方法选择浙江省1998-2005年流感流行期间分离的甲3亚型代表株25株,提取病毒RNA,扩增HAl和NA基因,进行序列测定,用Bi。Edit软件分析处理。结果浙江省近几年甲3亚型流感流行株在HAl区的核苷酸长度均为987 bp,编码329个氨基酸;在NA区的核苷酸长度为1362 bp,编码454个氨基酸。1998-2005年甲3亚型流感病毒}认1区与NA区的氨基酸同源性分别在90.9%~99.3%与95.2%~99.5%之间,HAl区的变异较NA区更大。这8年问在HAl区共发生了30个氨基酸的替代,其中14个氨基酸位点涉及}n1区的4个抗原决定簇;NA区发生了21个氨基酸替代,其中5个氨基酸位点涉及NA廖:的3个抗原决定簇。在1998与2002年无论是HAl区还是NA区,均产生了较大的变异,在氨基酸进化树上也形成了独立的分支。近年的甲3亚型毒株HAl区有11个糖基化位点,较早期毒株A/Aichi/2/68增加了5个,仅1998年至今的8年中就增加了3个。结论浙江省1998与2002年的二次较大规模的甲3亚型流感流行均与病毒的抗原性漂移有关。
      objective T。study the relationship between influenza epidemic and geneticcharacteristic on HA and NA regions of influenza virus subtype A3 isolates of Zhe{iang province in the recentyears.methods RNA of 25 influenza virus subtype A3 isolates,circulated in Zhejiang province during1 998 to 2005,was extracted.HAl and NA regions were amplified and sequenced.All the sequence data wereanalyzed using BioEdit.results HAl and NA regi。ns of all the isolates belonged to 987nt and 1 362nt,encoding protein of 329 and 454 amino acids respectivelv.Is01ates shared amino acid homologv of 90.9%一99.3%and 95.2%一99.5%on HAl and NA regions,w hile divergence on HAl was greater than that onNA regi。n.During a period of 8 years,30 amino acids on HAl region were substituted and 1 4 of which referto 4 antigenic determinant sites.IⅥeanwhile,21 amino acids on NA region were substituted and 5 of whichreferred to 3 antigenic determinant sites.Significant divergences,both in HAl and NA,were observedamong is01ates in 1 998 and 2002,showing that they belonged to absolutely different branches.AdditionaUy,influenza virus subtvpe A3 isolates identified in recent vears,with 1 1 N-linked glveOsvlation sites in HAlregion,had 5 sites more than early A/Aichi/2/68 strain.Since 1998,3 sites had been inserted in epidemicstrains’indicating the accelerated trend of glveosylation sites were increasing. conclusion There is acorrelation between antigenic drift of influenza virus subtvpe A3 and the two epidemics in Zhejiang provincein 1998 and 2002.
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