Study on the factors influencing suicidal ideation among medical students in Beijing
收稿日期:2007-08-17  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 自杀意念  人格  影响因素  医学生
英文关键词: Suicide ideation  Personality: Influencing factor  Medical students
刘宝花 北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系, 100083 dengy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 
黄悦勤 北京大学精神卫生研究所  
钮文异 北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系, 100083  
吕姿之 北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系, 100083  
岳川 北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系, 100083  
王培玉 北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系, 100083  
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      目的 研究医学生的人格、健康危险行为对自杀意念的影响.方法 采用整群抽样方法,应用医学生健康危险行为问卷、人格诊断问卷(第四版)(PDQ-4),对北京市两所医学院校在校大学一年级1204名大学生进行调查,并进行logistic回归分析.结果 单因素分析选出12个具有统计学意义的因素,包括打架行为、严重伤害行为、被迫性行为、不安全性行为、吸烟、醉酒行为、孤独感、情绪不好、失眠、无望感、PDQ-4得分高、网络成瘾行为.logistic回归主效应模型显示男生自杀意念的主要可疑危险因素是失眠(OR=4.98)、严重伤害行为(OR=4.43)、不安全性行为(OR=2.63)、不良情绪(OR=2.32)、无望感(OR=1.98)和PDQ-4得分高(OR=1.09);女生自杀意念的主要可疑危险因素是打架行为(OR=7.10)、孤独感(OR=4.42)、被迫性行为(OR=4.19)和网络成瘾行为(OR=1.39).结论 医学生自杀意念的产生与多种因素有关,且存在明显的性别差异.
      objective To evaluate the effects of personality-related health risk factors on suicidal ideation among medical students.Methods 1204 medical students at first grade were selected in Beijing, using random cluster sampling method.Data were obtained through health risk behaviors questionnaire, personality diagnostic questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4) and were analyzed by logistic regression method.Results There were 12 risk factors selected from single factor analysis, including physical fight, physical abuse, physically forced to have sexual intercourse, sexual risk behaviors, tobacco and alcohol use behaviors, loneliness, bad mood, insomnia, feeling hopeless, higher PDQ-4 score and Internet abuse behaviors.Data from Unconditional logistic regression showed that the main risk factors of suicide ideation were insomnia (OR=4.98),physical abuse(OR=4.43),sexual risk behaviors(OR=2.63),bad mood(OR=2.32), feeling hopeless(OR=1.98),higher PDQ-4 score(OR=1.09) in male students; while fighting(OR= 7.10),loneliness(OR=4.42), physically forced to have sexual intercourse(OR=4.19),Internet abuse behaviors(OR=1.39)in female students.Conclusion Suicidal ideation was associated with various factors, with significant gender difference.
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