Study on the differences of exposure levels to the environmental risk factors during periconceptional period between intended and unintended pregnancies
收稿日期:2007-10-11  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 出生缺陷  计划怀孕  围孕期  环境危险因素
英文关键词: Birth defects  Intended pregnancies  Periconceptional period  Environmental risk factors
郑晓瑛 北京大学人口研究所 100871
宋新明 北京大学人口研究所 100871
李成福 北京大学人口研究所 100871
裴丽君 北京大学人口研究所 100871
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      目的 分析计划与非计划怀孕围孕期环境危险因素暴露的差异,估计计划怀孕在降低环境危险因素暴露风险中的作用.方法 利用无锡市2002-2004年孕产妇回顾性调查资料,共调查1628名孕产妇;运用logistic回归模型控制孕妇生育年龄、教育水平等因素后估计了计划怀孕在降低围孕期孕妇用药、工作和生活环境接触有毒有害物质及一些不良行为因素暴露风险中的作用.结果 在调查对象中,计划怀孕比例为73.2%,城市孕妇计划怀孕比例略低于农村孕妇,生育年龄在30岁及以上的孕妇计划怀孕比例显著高于生育年龄低于30岁的孕产妇.计划和非计划怀孕孕妇在服用药物及熬夜等不良行为暴露比例上差异有统计学意义,计划怀孕组可疑致畸药物和有熬夜习惯的暴露比例分别为2.5%和2.9%,显著低于意外妊娠组的6.0%和5.5%.在控制生育年龄等因素后,与非计划怀孕孕妇相比,计划怀孕孕妇围孕期服用可疑致畸药物和熬夜的比例分别降低了60%和50%左右,饮食无规律、长时间上网及看电视的比例约降低了1/3左右.结论 计划怀孕可显著降低孕妇围孕期服用可疑致畸药物及一些不良行为因素的暴露风险.降低非计划或意外妊娠发生比例,提高计划怀孕比例是一项经济有效的出生缺陷干预措施.
      Objective This paper was to analyze the difference of exposure levels of the environmental risk factors on birth defects during peri-conceptional period between intended and unintended pregnancies, and to estimate the role of intended pregnancies in reducing exposure of environmental risk factors. Methods Data used in this paper were from a retrospective survey of maternal women from 2002 through 2004 conducted in Wuxi city. The total number of women under study was 1628. Logistic regression model was employed to mntrol women's childbearing age and education level for analysis of the role of intended pregnancies in reducing risk of unsafe use of medicine during pregnancy, exposure to toxic substance in working or living environments and unhealthy lifestyles. Results The proportion of intended pregnancies was 73. 2 %.The proportion of intended pregnancies in urban women was slightly lower than that in rural women,and the proportion of intended pregnant women whose childbearing age was over 30 years old, was significantly higher than that whose childbearing age was under 30 years old. There were significant differences in exposure risks of unsafe use of medicine and some unhealthy lifestyles between the intended and the unintended. In the intended group, the proportions of taking the suspicious teratogenic drugs and staying up were 2. 5 % and 2. 9 % respectively, significantly lower than those in unintended group whose proportion were 6. 0 % and 5. 5 0}.When compared with the unintended pregnant women, the exposure risk of taking the suspicious teratogenic drugs and staying up in intended pregnant women decreased by 60%and 50 % respectively. Conclusion Intended pregnancies could significantly reduce the risk of taking the suspicious teratogenic drugs and unhealthy lifestyles. Reducing the incidence of unwanted pregnancy and increasing the proportion of intended pregnancies were both cost-effective methods for preventing birth defects.
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