Cost-effectiveness analysis on compound anti-hypertensive tablets for primary hypertension
收稿日期:2007-10-11  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 高血压  药物经济学  降压0号
英文关键词: Hypertension  Pharmaco economies  Compound anti-hypertensive tablets
武轶群 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室  
胡永华 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室 yhhu@bjmu.edu.cn 
任涛 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室  
吴涛 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室  
陶秋山 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室  
秦雪英 100083北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室  
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      目的 对"降压0号"治疗原发性高血压进行经济学评价,与常规降压药物进行比较探讨其成本效果.方法 采用流行病学实验研究的方法,选择两个社区内的高血压患者分别接受"降压0号"(0号组)和常规降压药物(常规组)治疗,长期随访记录血压和服药等情况,计算并比较两组的成本效果.结果 共收集研究对象2505人,0号组1529人,常规组976人;0号组和常规组的成本/效果比(C/E)分别为418.1和1057.7,在达到相同的血压达标率(100%达标)时,0号组比常规组节省639.6元,前者的成本效果比仅是后者的40%;以0号组为基准,常规组的增量成本效果比(△C/AE)为19 202.2,常规组与0号组相比,增加一定的药物费用,所增加的效果并不明显;两组成本效果相对于药品价格稳定.结论 "降压0号"能达到与常规降压药物相同的降压效果,而所需的费用仅为常规降压药物的40%。
      Objective To compare the cost-effectiveness of two anti-hypertensive therapy regimens,Compound anti-hypertensive tablets and other common anti-hypertensive agents,in the treatment program of Primary Hypertension.Methods We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis based on a community trial.Two communities'primary hypertensive patients were enrolled to receive different therapy drugs:Compound anti-hypertensive tablets(Group A)or other common anti-hypertensive agents(Group B).Blood pressure,medicine used,and adverse drug reactions were observed and recorded for one year,and then costeffectiveness ratio of the two groups and incremental ratio were calculated.We considered a 30%drug price fluctuating load to make the sensitivity analysis.Results 2505 cases were enrolled with 1529 cases in group A and 976 cases in group B.The cost-effectiveness ratios were 418.1 and 1057.7 for Group A and B respectively while the incremental cost-effectiveness of Group B vs.Group A was 19 202.2.The results were insensitive to variation in the costs of drugs over clinically reasonable ranges.Conclusion Compound anti-hypertensive tablets appeared to be relatively cost-effective when compared to common drugs for the treatment of primary hypertension.
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