Analysis on morbidity rate of residents in Qinghai province in 2006
收稿日期:2008-01-07  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 疾病|患病率|调查
英文关键词: Diseases|Morbidity rate|Investigation
王晓节 青海省疾病预防控制中心, 西宁 810007 
周敏茹 青海省疾病预防控制中心, 西宁 810007 
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      目的 了解青海省居民各种疾病患病情况及其分布特征.方法 采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样原则,随机抽取全省6个县(区)为调查地区,采用家庭入户面访式调查方法,共调查居民19 201人;对18岁以下居民进行一般情况询问调查,18岁以上居民进行患病情况调查,同时进行血压、身高及体重测量,抽取10%调查对象进行血糖检测.采用Epi Data 3.02软件建立数据库,SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析.结果 青海省居民各种疾病总患病率达67.76%,女性明显高于男性,经地区加权后患病率达65.85%.患病率随着年龄的增加呈明显上升趋势;患病居前六位的是消化系统疾病28.74%、心脑血管疾病27.27%、风湿及骨关节疾病19.97%、呼吸系统疾病12.46%、生殖系统疾病8.64%及泌尿系统疾病7.39%.不同地区间患病率以城市最低为61.86%,农村次之为66.32%,牧区最高70.17%;城市、农村及牧区各系统疾病患病顺位有所不同.单病种患病居前六位的疾病分别是高血压17.36%、胃炎17.14%、风湿性关节炎15.79%、胆囊炎或胆结石11.49%、慢性阻塞性肺部疾病9.65%及肾炎4.40%.对几种主要危险因素调查结果显示,居民吸烟率为22.16%,饮酒率为17.16%,肥胖率为3.41%.结论 不同地区及性别间患病率有明显差异,患病率有随年龄明显上升趋势;不同地区居民疾病谱明显不同.
      Objective The purpose of the study was to understand the epidemiological tendency and distribution of the disease across Qinghai province, so as to serve for the development of a scientific system for prevention and treatment. Methods Multi-stage lamination stochastic group sampling was applied in the study, with 6 counties randomly selected. The total sample size was 19 201 while the study was conducted in the format of indoor visit. For residents younger than 18 years of age, a questionnaire was distributed to them to obtain related basic information. While for those older than 18, an in-depth survey was conducted. In addition to the measurement of height, weight, blood pressure, 10% of the samples underwent a testing on blood sugar. A database was then developed via Epi Data 3.02 and all the data was processed and classified via Foxpro and SPSS 13.0 software. Results The overall morbidity rate was 67.76%, with females significantly higher than males. The morbidity rate was fixed at 65.85% after weighted by region. The morbidity rate increased significantly with age. The top 5 diseases identified would include those from digestive system (28.74%), heart cranial vascular (27.27%), rheumatism and bone joint (19.97%), respiratory system (12.46%), biography reproductive system (8.64%) and urinary system (7.39%). Data from by-region analysis showed that the morbidity rate was the highest in pastoral area (70.17%), followed by villages (66.32%) and cities (61.86%), while the kinds of top diseases in those regions were also different. Data from unhealthy lifestyle showed that 22.16% of the provincial population smoked cigarettes, 17.16% drank alcohol, and the rate of obesity was 3.41%. Conclusion Significant differences in morbidity rates among different regions and different genders were found while the prevalence rates of disease significantly increased along with age.
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