Study on the status of metabolic syndrome in familial type 2 diabetes pedigrees
收稿日期:2008-04-28  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 代谢综合征  糖尿病  2型  患病率  家系
英文关键词: Metablic syndrome  Diabetes mellitus,type 2  Prevalence  Pedigree
马晓静 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查 wpjia@yahoo.com 
贾伟平 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查  
胡承 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查  
周健 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查  
陆惠娟 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查  
张蓉 2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征患病情况调查  
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      目的<\b> 分析2型糖尿病家系代谢综合征(MS)及各组分的患病情况。方法<\b> 对715个2型糖尿病家系中有完整血压、血脂及血糖资料的4468个成员(包括配偶),由专门小组调查并采血样(未明确糖尿病者做口服葡萄糖耐量试验)后分析MS及各组分的患病率.MS的诊断根据2004年中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)建议的工作定义。结果<\b> (1)该家系成员MS患病率为23.86%,其中二级亲、配偶、一级亲、先证者患病率旱现逐渐升高的趋势;(2)一级亲、二级亲和配偶中分别有80.10%、59.76%、70.30%个体至少有1种代谢异常;(3)无代谢异常、有1~2种代谢异常及MS的构成比在一级亲中分别为19.90%、55.02%和25.08%,在二级亲中为40.24%、50.82%和8.94%,在配偶中为29.70%、53.31%和16.99%;(4)一级亲40岁以下者代谢异常以血脂异常最常见,40岁以上则以高血糖为最常见;(5)一级亲中60岁以下各组MS患病率呈男高女低趋势,60岁以上则女性高于男性。结论<\b> MS的发病有明显的家族聚集倾向,家系成员尤其一级亲是MS的高危人群,应对该人群进行早期识别和重点预防。
      Objective To investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components in type 2 diabetes meUitus pedigrees. Methods A total number of 4468 subjects (including spouses) from 715 type 2 diabetic pedigrees were selected in this study. Complete laboratory data including blood pressure, lipid profile and plasma glucose, were collected. All subjects who were not defined as diabetic were valued by oral glucose tolerance test. MS was diagnosed according to the definition proposed by the China Diabetes Society (CDS) in 2004. Results (1)The prevalence of MS was 23.86% in diabetic pedigrees, and subsequently increased in second-degree relatives, spouses, first-degree relatives and probands. (2)The prevalence rates of 'at least' 1 metabolic abnormality in first-degree relatives, second-degrcc relatives and spouses were 80.10 %, 59.76 % and 70.30 %, respectively. (3) Ratios on non-metabolic abnormality, 1-2 metabolic abnormality and MS were 19.90%, 55.02% and 25.08% in first-degree relatives, 40.24%, 50.82% and 8.94% in second-degree relatives, 29.70%, 53.31% and 16.99% in spouses, respectively. (4) Among the first-degree relatives, the common manifestation of metabolic abnormality was dyslipidemia for subjects aged below 40 years, and hyperglycemia for subjects aged over 40 years of age. (5)The prevalence of MS in first-degree relatives was higher in males than infemales for subjects aged below 60 and it was higher in females than in males for subjects aged over 60.Conclusion There was significant familial aggregation of MS found in our study. The first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients were high risk populations, suggesting that early recognition and prevention were important issues to be carried out.
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