Field study on the change of urinary iodine levels among family members with iodie content of 5-150ug/L in drinking water before and after non-iodized salt interwention
收稿日期:2008-02-20  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 碘缺乏  碘过量  适碘地区  现场干预试验
英文关键词: Iodine deficiency  Iodine excess  Iodine adequate areas  Filed trail study
李素梅 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所,北京102206 cdcyxm@sina.com 
张根红 河南省卫生监督所 ,北京102206  
孙凡 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所,北京102206  
王培桦 江苏省疾病预防控制中心 ,北京102206  
张志忠 蒙古地方病防治研究所,北京102206  
李秀维 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所,北京102206  
李淑华 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所,北京102206  
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      目的<\b> 通过现场干预试验,对比观察饮用水碘含量为5~150μg/L人群停供碘盐前后碘营养水平的变化.方法<\b> 选择生活饮用水碘含量5~150μg/L的居民户作为目标居民户,用无碘盐替换其家中正在食用的碘盐,干预60 d后采集家庭成员尿样.结果<\b> 干预前学龄儿童、育龄妇女、成年男子的尿碘中位数均在370μg/L以上,频数分布≥300 μg/L的比例均在70%以上,三类人群的碘营养状况处于碘过量水平.干预后三类人群的尿碘中位数均较干预前明显下降,其中生活饮用水碘含量为5.0~99.9μg/L的人群碘营养水平下降到碘营养适宜水平或基本适宜水平;生活饮用水碘含量为100~150μg/L时,三类人群干预后的尿碘中位数仍接近300 μg/L,处于碘营养偏高状态.结论<\b> 生活饮用水水碘含景为5~100μg/L的地区为适碘地区,不需要供应碘盐;生活饮用水水碘含量为100~150μg/L的地区应划分为高碘地区.
      Objective To compare the change of nrinary iodine levels among the family members with iodine content of 5-150 ug/L in drinking water,before and after non-iodized salt interwention through a field trail study.Methods Faily members who routinely drank water with iodine content 5-150ug/L were chosen to substitudte non-iodized salt for their current iodized salt for 2 months,and urine samples of the family members were collected for deteemination of iodine change before and after intervention was carried out.Results Median urinary iodine of school children, women with productive age and male adults exceeding 370ug/L before intervention and the frequency distribution of unrinary iodine were all above 70%. Our results revealed that iodine excess exited in three groups of family members.After intervention,all median urinary iodine level seemed to have decreased significantly,and groups with drinking water iodine 5.0-99.9ug/L reduced to adequate or close to adequate while the group that driking water iodine was 100-150 ug/L reached the cut-off point of excessive iodine level.
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