温泽淮,聂广宁,王小云,杨洪艳,张春玲,吴大嵘,魏绍斌,何金彩,卢苏.绝经综合征评定量表的预调查研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2008,29(10):985-988 |
绝经综合征评定量表的预调查研究 |
Pretest survey on the Chinese menopause rating scale |
收稿日期:2008-01-20 出版日期:2014-09-15 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 绝经综合征 量表 条目筛选 |
英文关键词: Menopausal syndrome Scale Item selection |
基金项目:国家科技部“十五”攻关重点课题资助项目(2004BA716802) |
摘要点击次数: 3273 |
全文下载次数: 1474 |
中文摘要: |
目的开展绝经综合征评定量表预调查,进一步筛选条目.方法 2005年在广州地区进行293份绝经综合征评定量表有效问卷调查,其中绝经综合征患者196例,更年期正常人群97名.调查结果采用条日分布考察法、离散程度法、相关分析法、t检验法、分辨力系数、因子分析法、克朗巴赫α系数法7种统计方法结合核心小组讨论联合进行条目筛选. 结果 研制出含有3个维度40个条目的 绝经综合征评定量表,其中,躯体维度18条,心理维度14条,社会维度5条,另外有测谎条目2个,总体评价1个.结论绝经综合征评定量表有较好的内容效度,其所含条目具有良好的可行性、内部一致性信度和内容效度. |
英文摘要: |
Objective To select the items from the Chinese menopause rating scale(CMRS)through pre-tcsting those people with menopausal syndromes.Methods 293 people were surveyed in Guangzhou in 2005.among which 196 people with menopausal syndromes and others without.Psychometrics methods were employed to develop the scale.The item pools were all round.Methods used would include:focus group discussion and interviews,subjective evaluation method and Delphi method,to preliminarily screen the items.Data on scales measured from 196 cases with and 97 subjects without menopausal syndromes during the menopausal period,were collected.Again,seven statistical methods were employed to select the items.Results The 40-items scale for menopausal syndrome was formed to include:a)three domains:somatic(18-items),psychological(14-items)and social(5-items);b)one general appraisaIitem:c)two lie-test iterns.Conclusion The Chinese menopausal syndrome scale we used seemed to possess good content validity.feasibility and intra-class reliability. |
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