Correlation between psychological well-being and social support to those settled immigration from Three Gorges Reservoir areas
收稿日期:2008-05-10  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 心理健康  后靠移民  社会支持
英文关键词: Psychological well-being  Latter settled immigration  Social support
黄炳花 重庆医科大学公共卫生学院妇幼保健与儿童少年卫生学教研室, 400016 wangyang8289@163.com 
汪洋 重庆医科大学公共卫生学院妇幼保健与儿童少年卫生学教研室, 400016  
王清亮 重庆医科大学公共卫生学院妇幼保健与儿童少年卫生学教研室, 400016  
王宏 重庆医科大学公共卫生学院妇幼保健与儿童少年卫生学教研室, 400016  
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      目的 了解重庆市三峡库区"就地后靠"(后靠)移民的心理健康现状及与社会支持的相关性.方法 采用整群随机抽样的方法,使用基本情况调查表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)和社会支持量表(SSRS)对646名调查对象进行问卷测量.结果 根据SCL-90的测评结果,后靠移民的心理问题阳性症状检出率高于当地居民(χ2=4.10,P=0.04).按性别分层,女性的强迫症状(t=2.644,P=0.009)、人际关系敏感(t=3.220,P=0.001)、抑郁(t=2.684,P=0.008)、敌对(t=3.003,P=0.003)、偏执(t=3.246,P=0.001)、精神病性症状(t=2.088,P=0.038)6个因子平均得分和总分(t=2.506,P=0.013)在两组人群间的差异有统计学意义;从年龄上看,≤50岁年龄段中,10个因子平均得分和总分(t=4.114,P=0.000)在两组人群中的差异均有统计学意义;控制文化程度变量,两组人群的小学及以下文化程度者,躯体化(t=2.777,P=0.006)、人际关系敏感(t=2.384,P=0.018)、敌对(t=3.174,P=0.002)、偏执(t=2.611,P=0.010)4个因子平均得分和总分(t=2.125,P=0.034)的差异有统计学意义;将职业分层,除强迫症状(t=1.884,P=0.061)和恐怖(t=0.979,P=0.328)2个因子外,两组人群中的非农民职业群体在其他因子上的平均得分和总分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);除强迫症状(r=-0.103,P>0.05)、敌对(r=-0.084,P>0.05)、偏执因子(r=-0.071,P>0.05)9b,SCL-90总分及其他因子平均得分与社会支持总分呈显著负相关(P<0.05);躯体化(r=-0.128,P<0.05)、抑郁(r=-0.140,P<0.05)、焦虑(r=-0.137,P<0.05)、恐怖(r=-0.120,P<0.05)、附加因子(r=-0.143,P<0.05)平均得分和SCL-90总分(r=-0.137,P<0.05)与主观支持维度呈显著负相关;10个因子平均得分及总分与客观支持维度无显著相关性(P>0.05).结论 后靠移民的心理健康状况较差,且心理健康水平与得到的社会支持密切相关.
      Objective To investigate the psychological well-being and the correlation between psychological status and social support among the settled immigrations from Three Gorges Reservoir areas. Methods A cluster randomized sampling was selected and 646 objects were interviewed with Basic Situation Scale,Symptom Check-list 90(SCL-90) and Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS). Results Our findings from the results of SCL-90 revealed that the positive rate of psychological problem was higher in settled immigration than that of local permanent residents (χ2= 4.10, P=0.04). The differences of scores on 6 factors including compulsion ( t=2.644, P=0.009 ), interpersonal-sensitivity ( t= 3.220, P =0.001), depression ( t=2.684, P=0.008 ), anxiety ( t=3.003, P= 0.003 ), paranoid-ideation ( t =3.246, P=0.001 ), psychoticism ( t=2.088, P=0.038) and the total score ( t=2.506, P=0.013) were significantly different in female between the two groups. There were also significant differences of 10factors score and total score (t=4.114, P=0.000) noticed between the two groups in age≤50 (P<0.05) and the differences of 4 factors score including somatization ( t=2.777, P=0.006), interpersonal-sensitivity (t=2.384, P=0.018), hostility ( t = 3.174, P = 0.002), paranoid ideation ( t = 2.611, P =0.010). The total scores (t = 2.125, P = 0.034) were significantly different between the two groups in illiteracy and having received primary school education. Other than compulsion factor (t = 1.884, P =0.061) and phobic anxiety factor (t = 0.979, P = 0.328), there were significant differences on other factors and the total score between the two groups in non-farmers (P< 0.05). Except compulsion (r =- 0.103,P >0.05), hostility ( r = -0.084, P>0.05) and paranoid ideation factor ( r =-0.071, P>0.05), the negative correlations were obvious between the total score, other factors score and social support(P<0.05 ). The negative correlation was obvious between somatization (r=-0.128, P<0.05 ),depression ( r=-0.140, P<0.05 ), anxiety. ( r=-0.137, P<0.05 ), phobic anxiety ( r =-0.120, P <0.05),additional factor ( r=-0.143, P<0.05) total score ( r =-0.137, P< 0.05) and subjective support. The correlation coefficient was not significant between SCL-90 total score, 10 factors score and that of objective support (P>0.05). Conclusion The psychological status of settled immigration was not satisfactory and closely correlated to psychological mental level and social support.
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