Progress on studies of genotype and prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in animals
收稿日期:2008-05-19  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 戊型肝炎病毒  基因型  动物宿主  人兽共患病
英文关键词: Hepatitis E virus  Genotype  Animal host  Zoonosis
常义宾 北京大学医学部 100191  
王玲 北京大学医学部 100191 Email:lingwang@bjmu.edu.cn 
朱永红 北京大学医学部 100191  
庄辉 北京大学医学部 100191 Email:zhuangbmu@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 2736
全文下载次数: 1358
      Objective To investigate the various factors that influencing the flap thickness after laser operation in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Methods 369 LASIK eyes (192 cases;among them, 15 patients for surgery monocular) with M2 130 microkeratome heads, grouped by left or right eye were analyzed by Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis based on age, sex, occupation, family history of myopia and ophthalmologic examination results before and after LASIK. The result of analysis of one-way variance which P<0.05 as the variance to described with logistic regression analysis. Results Results from logistic regression analysis showed that the flap thickness after LASIK of right eye group was related to two factors: the preoperative refractive power (P= 0.017, OR= 0.832,95%CI : 0.715-0.968), and the corneal thickness ( P= 0.000, OR= 1. 023,95%CI : 1.011-1. 036) while left eye group was related to three factors: the preoperative astigmatism power (P= 0.044, OR= 2.094, 95%CI: 1.021-4.294),negative pressure suction time ( P= 0.019, OR= 1. 418,95%CI : 1. 059-1. 898) and the corneal thickness(P= 0.000, OR= 1. 049, 95%CI : 1. 025-1. 073 ). Conclusion Corneal thickness, the preoperative astigmatism power and the negative pressure suction time tended to make the flap thicker while the preoperative refractive power tended to make the flap thinner. Results showed that the flap thickness performed at the first time was more obvious than at the second time.[ Key words] Laser in situ keratomileusis; Flap thickness; Multi-factor analysis
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