Risk factors on anemia among rural elderly women aged 50-75 y in Xiuning county, Anhui province,China
收稿日期:2008-07-11  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 贫血  危险因素  农村妇女  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Anemia  Risk factors  Elderly women  Case-control study???
张坚 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所, 北京 100050 
王春荣 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所, 北京 100050 
金少华 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
宋鹏坤 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所, 北京 100050 
孟丽苹 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所, 北京 100050 
满青青 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所, 北京 100050 
贾尚春 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的 分析安徽省休宁县农村地区50~75岁妇女贫血的相关危险因素. 方法 以休宁县农村50~75岁妇女为研究对象, 进行血红蛋白(Hb)筛查和基本健康状况询问, 年龄1:1配对, 最终病例组、对照组各204人完成一般状况、饮食情况的问卷调查和相关血液生化指标测定及数据分析. 结果 病例组和对照组的体重分别为(49. 4±7. 3)kg、(52. 5±8. 4)kg(t=3. 97, P<0. 01), 腰围分别为(75. 8±7. 8)cm、(79. 1±9. 3)cm(t=3. 85, P<0. 01), BMI分别为(21. 8±2. 6)kg/m2、(22. 9±3. 2)kg/m2(t=3. 775, P<0. 01). 病例组和对照组的总蛋白分别为(76. 4±5. 0)g/L、(78. 4±5. 6)g/L(t=3. 83, P<0. 01), 白蛋白分别为(45. 7±3. 1)g/L、(47. 3±2. 9)g/L(t=5. 24, P<0. 01), 血清铁分别为(10. 3±4. 1)μmol/L、(12. 7±4. 6)μmol/L(t=5. 48, P<0. 01), 转铁蛋白饱和度分别为(19. 0±7. 6)%、(23. 1±9. 1)%(t=4. 90, P<0. 01). 多因素条件logistic回归分析显示, BMI、主食、动物性食物、碳水化合物和维生素A的OR值(95%C1)分别为2. 0(1. 3~2. 9)、1. 6(1. 1~2. 3)、1. 6(1. 0~2. 3)、1. 4(1. 0~2. 1)、1. 6(1. 1~2. 4). 结论 休宁县农村地区贫血妇女的膳食质量、体格状况和相关血液指标均低于对照组, 主食和动物性食物摄入量低、BMI低、碳水化合物和维牛素A摄入量低为贫血的危险因素.
      Objective To study the risk factors on anemia among elderly women in rural areas of Xiuning county, Anhui province, China. Methods Xiuning county was selected as working field and elderly women aged 50-75y were selected as subjects. Finger hemoglobin(Hb)was measured and basic health survey was face-to-face interviewed. 220 elderly women with anemia entered into the ease group; and matched by age, another 220 women with normal Hb concentration entered the control group. Survey on diet, questionnaire regarding health and lifestyle and related blood indexes were studied and tested. Results When comparing the data from both case and control groups, weight was(49. 4±7. 3)kg vs. (52. 5±8. 4)kg(t= 3. 97, P<0. 01 ), waist circumference was(75. 8±7. 8)cm vs. (79. 1±9. 3)cm(t=3. 85, P<0. 01), BMI was(21. 8±2. 6)kg/m2 vs. ( 22. 9±3. 2)kg/m2(t = 3. 775, P<0. 01 ), respectively. The total protein was( 76. 4± 5. 0)g/L vs. (78. 4±5. 6)g/L(t=3. 83, P<0. 01 ), albumin was(45. 7±3. 1 )g/L vs. (47. 3±2. 9)g/L(t=5. 24, P<0. 01 ), serum iron was( 10. 3±4. 1 )μmol/L vs. ( 12. 7±4. 6)μmol/L(t=5. 48, P<0. 01 ), and saturation of transferrin was( 19. 0±7. 6)% vs. (23. 1±9. 1 )%(t=4. 90, P<0. 01 ), respectively. Results from multifactor conditioned logistic regression analysis showed that the odd ratios(OR)for anemia with staple food, BMI and vitamin A were 1. 54, 1. 89, 1. 69, and the OR for anemia with BMI, staple food, animal food, carbohydrate and vitamin A were 2. 0, 1. 6, 1. 6, 1. 4, 1. 6, with their confidence intervals(CI)as 1. 3-2. 9, 1. 1-2. 3, 1. 0-2. 3, 1. 0-2. 1, 1. 1-2. 4, respectively. Conclusion The quality of diet, health status and related blood indexes on anemia among elderly women were lower than that in control group. Lower BMI, less staple food and animal food, less carbohydrate and vitamin A intake appeared to be risk factors of anemia.
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