Development of a presenteeism questionnaire for skilled workers at high-technology enterprises
收稿日期:2008-11-15  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 健康相关工作效率低下  问卷  知识工作者
英文关键词: Employee general health condition  Questionnaire  Knowledge worker
盛利 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所北京协和医学院基础医学院, 北京, 100730  
黄建始 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所北京协和医学院基础医学院, 北京, 100730 pumCjesse@yahoo.com.cn 
何敛 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所北京协和医学院基础医学院, 北京, 100730  
崔剑霞 北京亿阳健康  
谢婧 澳大利亚墨尔本大学眼病研究所  
刘凤娟 北京亿阳健康  
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      目的 研究开发中文版的高新技术企业知识工作者健康相关工作效率低下调查问卷.方法 采用文献研究、员工访谈、专家咨询、现场凋查方法研制"健康相关工作效率低下调查问卷".结果 开发出中文版本的知识工作者健康相关工作效率低下调查问卷,该问卷包括两个部分,第一部分为员工总体健康状况调查问卷,第二部分为员工总体健康状况对其工作效率影响调查问卷.第一部分共有8个维度:疼痛、躯体症状、睡眠、注意力集中情况、不良情绪、压力感、疲劳感、社会适应,共计55个条目.以上各维度的克朗巴赫-α系数分别是0.79、0.83、0.75、0.69、0.83、0.86、0.80、0.88,分半信度系数分别是0.78、0.75、0.61、0.62、0.82、0.81、0.77、0.88.问卷第一部分模型拟合优度指标:x2/df为3.68、NFI(normed fit index)为0.95、NNFI(non-NTI)为0.96、CFI(compatative fit index)为0.96、SRMR(standardied root mean residual)为0.05、RMSEA(root mean squre error of approximation)为0.05,以上几项指标均达到要求标准;问卷第一部分与SF-36相关系数为0.55.员工总体健康状况对其工作效率影响调查结果表明,在接受调查的员工中,42.77%的员工工作效率没有因为健康问题而降低,55.72%的员工因健康问题工作效率降低了10%~50%,1,51%的员工因健康问题工作效率降低了50%以上;84.5%的员工因病缺勤小时数为0,15.3%的员工因病缺勤的小时数>0且<100,0.2%的员工因病缺勤的小时数≥100.结论 研究开发出的知识工作者健康相关工作效率低下调查问卷具有可靠的信度和较高的效度,能够有效测量员工总体健康状况及其对工作效率的影响,可以用于我国高新技术企业知识工作者健康相关工作效率低下调查.
      Objective To develop a presenteeism questionnaire for Chinese high-technology skilied workers.Methotis Memods being used would include literature review,face-to-face in depth interview,experts'consultation in developing the questionnaire.Results The presenteeism questionnaire includes two sections;one on employee's general health condition and the second one is a survey on the influences of employees'health conditions on their productivity.The first section includes 55 terms and 8 dimensionalities as below:Ache,Symptoms,Sleeping problem,Attention,Bad emotion,Pressure,Fatigue,Social adapting.These dimensionalities Cronbach's α are 0.79,0.83,0.75,0.69,0.83,0.86,0.80,0.88 respectively and their half Spearman-Browns ale 0.78,0.75,0.61,0.62,0.82,0.81,0.77,0.88,respectively.Goodness of fit test model indices are as below:x2/df-3.68,normed fit index 0.95,non-normed fit index 0.96,comparative fit index 0.96,standardized root mean residual 0.05.root mean square error of approximation 0.05.The relate-coefficient wlth SF-36 is of employees having received the survey,claim that their health problem do not influence their productivity,and 55.72% of them claiming that their productivity ale reduced to 50%-90% because of theif health problems while another 1.51% of them claim that their productivity reduced more than 50%.84.5% of the interviewees claim that they have never been absent at work because of health problems.and 15.3% of them claim that their total hours of absence ale between 0 and 100.Only 0.2% of the workers claim that the total hours of absence are more than 100.Conclusion The developed presenteeism shows good reliability and higher validity,so can be used to measure the presenteeism of skilied workers working at high-technology enterprises.
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